Example sentences of "is seen in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ash-Wednesday 's ‘ dry rock ’ is seen in a way which makes possible a spiritual pilgrimage apparently impossible in The Waste Land .
2 But for Eliot now the choice was not between civilized and primitive society but between Christian , non-Christian , and anti-Christian orders.a Anthropology links with Conrad to counter the optimistic vision of a modern noble savagery , but the whole is seen in a new , explicitly Christian framework .
3 The ‘ Pied Piper ’ side of Dominic is seen in a verse called Without Finance : As I saunter unabashed , Best foot forward , Hair slicked back , Am I not just the sort of chap That fortune often favours ?
4 One can ask : does he mean that the horizontal moon , perhaps owing to some magnifying effect of the earth 's atmosphere , actually presents a larger appearance than the meridian moon , or does he mean merely that it looks bigger , perhaps because it is seen in a context of trees and houses ?
5 The early expression is modified and becomes restricted to r2 and r4 and their migrating crest populations which is seen in a lateral view of a 9.0d.p.c. embryo ( i ' ) .
6 ‘ Christianity is alive and well in Asia and this is seen in a lively appreciation of the arts , ’ say the editors .
7 The same thing is seen in a more hesitant form on another boy ( fig. 71 ) , and here the very slight tilt and turn of the head are part of a change in the pose of the whole figure , as they must have been in the fair-haired boy also .
8 Secondly , it is seen in a whole host of tactics and alternative strategies to the simple procedure of insisting that the sufferer goes for treatment just as he or she would do for any other disease .
9 It is seen in The Facts to belong to the times in which the writer lived when he wrote the novel , when opposition to the Vietnam War , and to a President Johnson perceived as monstrous , took to the street-wisdom of a farcical obscenity .
10 It is yet another part of the cycle of fertility which is seen in The Waste Land as a torturing cage .
11 Mr Skinner 's decision to increase the limit on foreign investment in American carriers is seen in the industry as an exchange for Britain allowing American and United into Heathrow .
12 His popular wife , who was a National Farmers ' Union branch secretary before the birth of their children , is seen in the constituency as calm and strong , but also gentle and kind .
13 Erosion of the granites gives rise to a barren , rolling landscape such as is seen in the Uig Hills of western Lewis , and steep , inaccessible sea cliffs such as are present in western Harris .
14 Mary Leapor 's treatment of the division of intellectual and manual labour in the context of agriculture is seen in the poem ‘ To Lucinda ’ .
15 That the poem is about the people rather than the prospect is seen in the following passage :
16 The effect of this is seen in the frequent yellow staining that resists detergent action .
17 Infection commonly occurs in children and infants , and the clinical progression of the disease is similar to syphilis when it is seen in the sporadic form ; the late manifestations , however , tend to be seen at a much younger age .
18 Here , through the portals of an inner chamber named the Chapter House , the stream is seen in the light of the torch entering the cave in a high and graceful waterfall .
19 The same shading , but without such a range of hair colours , is seen in the Podolian greys of Italy and eastern Europe and also in the Indian zebu .
20 Very much the same combination is seen in the modification of the postcranial skeleton .
21 A more extreme development of this pattern is seen in the kestrel , peregrine and buzzard prey assemblages .
22 Molar loss in the kestrel and hen harrier samples and the mammalian carnivores are all lower than expected , although still high , but the most extreme molar loss is seen in the little owl and short-eared owl assemblages .
23 Still more extreme damage is seen in the category 4 species , little owl , kestrel and peregrine .
24 By contrast , the response of the northern hemisphere temperatures to the Krakatoa eruption , in the southern hemisphere , is delayed by eight months — and a similar delay is seen in the temperature record following the Agung eruption of 1963 .
25 Usually , the anarchy of capitalist production is seen in the light of market competition and of that alone .
26 It is seen in the form of the sun and the full moon , halo and rainbow .
27 The fifth strand in their story is seen in the clear conversions to Christ that result .
28 A very good example of the craft is seen in the almost human mannequins used in the ‘ Royal ’ exhibition at Windsor .
29 The male Wreck Fish is seen in the centre with attendant females above and below , one of which will be a dominant specimen ready to become male in the event of the death of the present male .
30 A past stress of a different nature is seen in the case of a woman of twenty-seven who had felt chronically debilitated and unwell for years .
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