Example sentences of "is still [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 — The spirit of cheating reigns supreme amongst us ; — Honesty is still wanting amongst the indigenous businessmen ; — Most of our businessmen are not honest .
2 Meanwhile , reliance is still placed on that golden oldie film Twelve Angry Men , which offers possible archetypes — Henry Fonda 's 9,9 hero being set against Lee J. Cobb 's 9.1 bully boy .
3 Looking ahead , the government is still hoping for continuing growth of 4% a year .
4 The gunman is still believed to be at large , police have sealed off the area and are checking all cars .
5 Even if we allow the inductivists to separate the mode of discovery and the mode of justification , their position is still threatened by the fact that observation statements are theory-laden and hence fallible .
6 MUD being transported away by lorries as part of a dredging scheme on the River Lagan is still spilling into the streets of the Lower Ormeau , the local residents ' group has claimed .
7 This view , named Nestorianism after Bishop Nestorius who lived in the fifth century , is still hinted at today .
8 What use is the Staples Singers ' exhortation ‘ respect yourself ’ , if the notion of self-respect is still bound to conventional notions of respectability ?
9 While the numbers taught by their parents without any formal schooling is unknowable , there is still bound to be a close relationship between the availability and take-up of schooling and the literacy level .
10 It appears to me that if a man may lawfully , in the furtherance of business interests , do acts which will seriously injure another in his business he may also lawfully , if he is still acting in the furtherance of his business interests , offer that other to accept a sum of money as an alternative to doing the injurious acts .
11 Perhaps the manager , who is still registered as a player , should get out there and show his side the way .
12 The application may be submitted at any time ( as long as the candidate is still registered with the Institute ) and the examination is normally arranged within a few weeks .
13 He is still barred from many corporate towers from which he ran his empire .
14 Of course , a good half of the population is still barred from anything but the most humble roles .
15 Ireland is still witnessed as a state in some indefinable way opposed to England .
16 Some core is still curated by the BGS .
17 Your doctor or midwife may also check your breasts and abdomen , though the womb is still hidden in the pelvis in the early weeks and may not be felt .
18 Whilst some small provision is still made for such study , the College 's aim today is ‘ to train young musicians for careers as performers and teachers of music ’ ( Gowrie : Review of the London Music Conservatories , 1980 ) .
19 If you are in France , try to find some of the Port Salut that is still made by the monks — it has a more distinctive flavour than the mass-produced cheese .
20 It is still made in village dairies throughout South Western Switzerland by local cheese-makers who take pride in achieving the unique , smooth rich creamy taste , with a distinctive briny-dry sharpness .
21 The rise in recorded offences in many parts of the Western world in the first half of the nineteenth century played an important role in the original formulation of this belief , which is still accepted by many scholars .
22 Apart from a few statutory exceptions based on tax , fraud and other predictable areas , the Salomon principle of separate legal personality is still applied to subsidiary companies .
23 The normal expectation in the construction and interpretation of discourse is , as Grice suggests , that relevance holds , that the speaker is still speaking of the same place and time , participants and topic , unless he marks a change and shows explicitly whether the changed context is , or is not , relevant to what he has been saying previously .
24 In Spain , Housman Overseas is no longer active in the Costa del Sol , although it is still dealing with the Costa Blanca .
25 Dill-water or gripe-water is , at any rate , several hundred years old in usage , and is still called upon today .
26 Jean now works in the Design Studio making hand samples for special designs and development work , although occasionally she is still called upon to ‘ colour count ’ .
27 His whole speech is still dictated by the formality with which he began .
28 In solid waste , 75% of which is still handled by local municipalities , two giants lead the private sector , Waste Management and Browning-Ferris .
29 There has been plenty of advice on what to stock and , as he is still learning about what Sutton Coldfield customers may want , he has been happy to listen .
30 And he says he is still learning about them almost half a century on .
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