Example sentences of "is now [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As well as its development centre in Irvine , California , ICL has its Computer Consoles Inc acquisition to thank for its OfficePower software , which is now into version 7 .
2 Ron estimates the boat is now worth double .
3 He is delighted and yesterday said : ‘ This is extremely good news because it is imperative that the cathedral has the ability to maintain its justifiably high standard of music , and a new organ is badly needed as the existing one is now beyond repair . ’
4 What is now beyond dispute is that the impressionistic evidence is well-founded .
5 A long term environmental strategy for Vietnam is now under discussion and may be funded by the UN .
6 The highly acclaimed Herringcote development at Dorchester-on-Thames by Beechcroft , together with a similar select retirement scheme which is now under construction at Woodstock by the same company .
7 The Colinton Section of the Bypass was approved by Planning Committee in November 1977 and is now under construction with a completion date scheduled for early next year .
8 The two , working together , made a formidable team , whose powers of persuasion were demonstrated clearly over the years by the Government 's support of major new initiatives , most notably the provision of the Causewayside Building , the second phase of which is now under construction .
9 In up-market Georgetown Park Mall , a retailers ' revolt is now under way against the management , appealing directly to Colonel Waters to send in his troops , bells and all .
10 Three promotions are planned in the chain 's 150+ butchery outlets : beef , which is now under way , pork and lamb which will follow in the autumn .
11 A study involving 1000 patients is now under way .
12 FDA improvements suggested for the site have been implemented and the validation production of Opticrom is now under way in anticipation of an FDA inspection in early 1992 .
13 Further photo-documentation of the wreckage is now under way , and the team expect that more evidence will be lifted on the cause of the crash .
14 To remedy this , a major restoration project is now under way , financed by an allocation of funds from the National Lottery .
15 A search is now under way to find a medium with a reliably long shelf-life , because even if our present-day sound recordings last for a full century ( which is doubtful ) , our successors will have to copy the whole collection every hundred years or so .
16 A nine month design study is now under way , and the station could be on line by 1986 .
17 He pointed to delays , similar to those experienced by Super-SARA , that afflicted a decision of where to site the European Fusion Experiment , JET , which is now under way in Culham Oxfordshire .
18 The time may well arrive — indeed , that process is now under way — when the notion of the supremacy of the institutions of the Community and the primacy of Community law have become so firmly established that they are widely acknowledged to be a feature of the United Kingdom 's constitutional landscape .
19 In the health service , job evaluation systems already cover ancillary , administrative and technical staff , but in nursing , where Whitley pay and conditions of service have long been established and clinical grading is now under way , there are many who think job evaluation is unnecessary .
20 Such training is now under way .
21 This year 's Great Grant Grab is now under way as thousands of school leavers prepare to start degree courses .
22 In 1988 Brazil decided to set up a unified and decentralised health system and this process is now under way .
23 A scheme covering Baberton Crescent is now under way .
24 SCOTVEC and CAST held a conference for teachers and lecturers which helped focus attention on the Communication modules ; a review of these modules is now under way .
25 A scheme covering Baberton Crescent is now under way .
26 Here at the Sacremento federal court the trial of a lobbyist , Clay , is now under way .
27 Our preservation programme is now under way .
28 It emphasises the importance of trying to push ahead with the peace process that is now under way .
29 Data collection for the Infant School project is now complete , and the process of analysis and writing up is now under way .
30 Such a process is now under way in the international power plant equipment industry .
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