Example sentences of "is well [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Open Software Foundation says it is well on course to achieving its stated aim of self-sufficiency by the end of next year ( UX No 374 ) .
2 The service is well on course to have a paramedic on every emergency vehicle by the end of this year , well ahead of the Department of Health 's 1996 target .
3 A stronger version of the argument , not developed by Leontief himself but based on his theoretical foundations , is that the high level of productivity of capital may mean that in many instances it will be cheaper to use machines rather than people to perform jobs unless the wage rate is well below subsistence level .
4 She brushed aside Mrs Singh 's assertions that her son was not making progress by telling her repeatedly that it was unreasonable to expect anything more ; she used phrases like ‘ He is well below average ’ , ‘ He is slow ’ , ‘ He is in the bottom set , you must accept that .
5 The project is well under way .
6 The planting by now is well under way .
7 THE spectacularly ambitious plan by the Welsh Rugby Union to raise funds with a massed male-voice choir of 10,000 at the National Stadium in Cardiff next month is well under way .
8 The testing of 7 year-olds is well under way and tests for older children are now being developed .
9 Many have begun to question rigid distinctions between fact and value , and the revolution toward a greater appreciation of the intrinsic value of all life is well under way .
10 It is only once the problem is well under way or even completed that one fully knows what the notation is required to do .
11 ‘ The competition is well under way , so if we do n't get going now we really wo n't have a chance .
12 After a period of relative neglect , recordings of his piano works are once again filling the shelves , and a reassessment of this highly-variable , though enormously gifted musician is well under way .
13 Work is well under way in Britain , Italy and with Westland 's production partner Agusta .
14 In addition , a joint consultation exercise with the Ethics Committee of the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency on a revised insolvency statement is well under way .
15 The countdown to launch of the Personal Communications Network cellular mobile telephone service in the UK is well under way , and Mercury Communications Ltd 's Mercury One-to-One has released further details of its planned Personal Communications service , which will include cost control features .
16 Eighteen months and a judicial review later ( ‘ Consultation in Practice ’ Community Care , 11 February ) the closure programme is well under way .
17 The good news is that work is well under way on a new guidebook .
18 Another pointer to their continued and increasing use is the recent interest in holistic medicine , the philosophy of which can have such far-reaching effects that the entire way of life of modem civilization may be completely altered by the time the twenty-first century is well under way .
19 In the longer term , development work is well under way to continue adding to organic sales and profit growth in 1994 and beyond .
20 The work on the extension is well under way — we have n't regretted our decision for a moment . ’
21 In the development of water as a focus of geographical interest the evolution of a human-oriented physical geography and an environmentally sensitive human geography closely related to resource management is well under way
22 Yes , the TQT system is well under way in INROADS and the benefits should become self evident as improvements are implemented .
23 While we can never be satisfied with results showing a pre-tax loss , we are confident that our recovery is well under way and that it is soundly based .
24 WORK is well under way on a private housing project in Middlesbrough which should leave more council houses available for new tenants .
25 WORK is well under way on converting the old Brougham School in Hartlepool into a business centre .
26 Three of the so-called seven wise men approve tax rises next year , assuming that the recovery is well under way by then .
27 Three of the so-called seven wise men approve tax rises next year , assuming that the recovery is well under way by then .
28 Usually it will be attempted after the selling process is well under way , and the salesperson judges that only one objection remains .
29 Work is well under way on the complete restoration of the headquarters , known by servicemen during World War II as The Citadel , and an April 3 opening date is planned , said project director Jim Fox .
30 Tioxide 's major waste reduction programme is well under way at sites throughout Europe to meet the new EC Titanium Dioxide Harmonization Directive .
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