Example sentences of "is always in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is like a man who sows round his garden flowers and aromatic herbs ; whenever he looks out , he sees flowers and aromatic herbs and is always in paradise .
2 They realised that the activity could not be subsumed into a set of procedures which would be valid in every case — " the rationale for the teaching of reading is always in evolution for the teacher . "
3 This is why the worst risk of swinging and ground looping is always in calm or light wind conditions .
4 For , as is often pointed out by critics of cognitive psychology ( e.g. Heil 1981 ) , there is always in principle more than one model capable of matching observed behaviour .
5 These presentations are often subject-orientated and the text commentary is always in English .
6 Either Henri Duval or Carrefour is always in attendance — they are Mait 's right-hand men .
7 ‘ The nurse is always in attendance . ’
8 In certain circumstances it may become necessary to seek waivers from the Law Society , as for instance : ( 1 ) where the new office is no more than a consulting room open for restricted periods , when a waiver would normally be granted provided ( a ) the opening hours are sufficiently advertised ; ( b ) during those hours there is always in attendance a person duly qualified to manage or supervise the office and that all correspondence is seen by a partner of the firm ; and ( c ) the business of the consultancy is accounted for centrally and not as a separate business ; or ( 2 ) where the new office is an annexe ( whether housing a separate department or otherwise ) near to the main office , when a waiver could be expected to be granted if ( a ) a common switchboard is used for both main office and annexe ; ( b ) accounts are centralised ; ( c ) correspondence is attended to in the main office ; and ( d ) clients are asked to address correspondence to the main office .
9 To ensure fairness a waiting list is always in operation .
10 Indeed , if the superego is always in part a cultural , collective phenomenon and if in such states the divine monarch , chairman or party leader is far beyond the reach of the identifications of the masses because of his incomparable pre-eminence , then it follows that only in the dissolution of the superego that alcohol brings does the ordinary ego find any hope of believing , however unrealistically , that it is equal to , or as worthy as , the father of the state .
11 The dominant capitalist fraction requires a power bloc which will control the state in its own interests , but because people always perceive their reality subjectively , the ability of those in control of the state to deliver the goods is always in question .
12 Can you think if we have something meal facilities which has also been raised if then maybe the stage door club area could be used for something like light rehearsal space which is always in demand .
13 ‘ Look , I am the sort of person who is always in demand — always !
14 Advertising and its related arts are thus necessary to ‘ develop the kind of man the goals of the industrial system require — one that reliably spends his income and works reliably because he is always in need of more ’ .
15 Negative valuations for Italy are perhaps surprising when her trade balance with the EC is always in surplus .
16 It must be admitted , though , that this very informal technique does require quite a lot of work to be done both before and especially after the interview and the researcher is always in danger of forgetting to put a point forward or not being able to understand his or her own notes afterwards .
17 Your first-class generalist , especially your Oxford first-class generalist , is always in danger of retreating to the mediaeval schoolmen and wondering how many Flying Scotsmen could be delayed on the head of a pin .
18 Any method that involves a lone researcher in a situation that can not be repeated , like much participant observation research , is always in danger of being thought unreliable .
19 It was suggested in the last chapter that analysis which tends to deal with the nature of modernity itself is always in danger of leading to assumptions concerning the superiority of certain ‘ advanced ’ peoples over others , which are in effect a version of primitivism .
20 For a female story teller such as Larissa , the act of narration is therefore a risky proposition , for her story is always in danger of being labelled a ‘ hystery ’ .
21 His History , therefore , is always in process : but its teleology of a final totalization always has to be assumed .
22 The intensity of the moment is always in place on TV and what gets into the media is going to be the thing in people 's minds .
23 ‘ Popular music ’ ( or whatever ) can only be properly viewed within the context of the whole musical field , within which it is an active tendency ; and this field , together with its internal relationships , is never still — it is always in movement .
24 Trotsky [ said ] ‘ Bukharin is always in front , but he 's always looking over his shoulder to make sure Lenin is n't far behind . ’
25 Far right : Something is always in front of the Reno crowd between races .
26 This means that he is always in control : he never takes a holiday from his responsibilities .
27 A worthwhile person is always in control , not only of his classes but of events and feelings .
28 The two should be interrelated and constantly evolving so that a five-year rolling plan is always in view .
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