Example sentences of "is that [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 But you see the important thing about this scene is not what is taking place there it 's not really that Pilate is standing in , in the trial as the judge of Jesus , it 's not that Pilate has i , within his hands the power of life and death for Jesus , that 's not the important issue , that 's not the real significance of this incident , the real significance is that every one of us at some time or other stand in the same place that Pilate stood .
2 The idea , the idea of it though and from an auditor 's point of view one of the things they will be looking at is that every one where you wrote when we are not doing this must have a valid reason and a new methodology must be met on how you are going to cover that particular aspect and that must be authorised .
3 The fact is that every ten minutes somebody in Great Britain is seriously injured in an accident .
4 is that a four to eight , O drive as well , does it say four to eight games ?
5 The likelihood is that a 1 January 1996 phase-out date will be agreed by the European nations .
6 While only Superman or Wonderwoman could have detected the gap between crease and outstretched bat as the bails were dislodged , the all-important fact is that a million or two television viewers on that Australia Day were shown the truth on the slow-motion replay .
7 As to the loss of 40 per cent of the infrastructure profits of new and existing unitised with-profits , unit linked and non with-profits business , the theory is that a 60 per cent stake in an expanding cake is better than a 100 per cent slice of a stagnant one .
8 The great rectangular block on which are inscribed the one-sixtieth fractions of the allied tribute which were ‘ paid ’ to the goddess Athena has room for one fewer annual list than the available years , and the most likely solution from a technical point of view is that no one-sixtieth was paid to Athena in 449 .
9 The key to Homoeopathy is that no two people suffer from the same disease .
10 The pleasure of long rivers is that no two trips along them are ever even similar .
11 A quite possible result though is that no one supplier is completely satisfactory on all counts across the whole range of products .
12 What emerges from any comparative analysis of the tasks of curriculum planning and responses to them is that no one centre or unit can adequately accomplish them all .
13 The general feeling is that no one company fits the bill , but the combined market capitalisation of Microsoft Corp and Intel Corp now exceeds that of IBM by 50% , and one well-supported suggestion is a triumvirate of Microsoft , Intel and Apple Computer Inc — in other words IBM 's former strategic partner .
14 The first , rather obviously , is that no one approach is without its detractors .
15 One problem here is that the two most serious offences include violence against property , so that conviction may result from threats against a person 's property .
16 Robin Dunbar ( personal communication ) is of the opinion that the reason why this happens in gelada is that the two males strike a bargain , as it were .
17 The basic reason for such sterility is that the two parents contain different numbers of chromosomes .
18 IF New Scientist has a wish for 1983 that is in theory achievable it is that the two cultures C. P. Snow described a generation ago should again become one .
19 One of the objectives is that the two become one .
20 Another strange point of the mystery is that the two men claimed that the smoke came out of the tunnel mouth towards the station yet a breeze was blowing the other way .
21 Another possibility is that the two deuterium nuclei combine to form helium-4 ; here again the mass of helium-4 is less than the combined masses of two deuterium nuclei and the ‘ spare ’ mass is manifested as electromagnetic radiation far beyond the visible spectrum and known as a gamma ray ( denoted by γ ) .
22 One explanation for this is that the two bodies constituting Pluto were originally moons of Neptune , but that something tore them from the giant planet 's grasp — the converse of what is thought to have happened to Triton !
23 What is certain is that the two parts of the community continued to the time of Lanfranc 's death and beyond to face each other with unconcealed hostility .
24 Another irritation with the current crop of fax modems is that the two parts of the modem do n't cooperate with one another .
25 His theory is that the two men were either freelance or else they decided to try and kill the President by themselves without telling the others . ’
26 These two are compared — classifications involve comparisons and contrasts — and the mechanism of the comparison is that the two types ( CRAs and IRAs ) are matched together , but always against a further factor .
27 The problem is that the two may not change in tandem ; the first may need to change rapidly , while the latter change only slowly if at all .
28 The reason it thinks your 486SX is a 386 is that the two processors do share many common features , it just that one is a lot more powerful than the other .
29 Wensley ( 1981 ) says that management must decide how much effort should be exerted on CAPM compared to the strategic analysis of competitive advantage , but the position adopted here is that the two concepts are related and that effort on one ought to improve understanding of the other , even if little research on such matters has yet been performed .
30 What 's nice about Willy and Hugh is that the two main characters are , apparently , so different .
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