Example sentences of "is that [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 What has not yet been conclusively demonstrated is that birds learn to avoid brightly coloured sickening prey more quickly than equivalent but duller coloured prey .
2 In Britain the assumption is that citizens have no right to official information , and receive only what the government chooses to tell them .
3 Other news is that Rohan have re-designed their full-length salopettes which were once leaders in the field .
4 What I find strange is that England have got nothing to do with our tour of Ireland and Wales , yet they get the big game and all the money . ’
5 One difference between the two views is that Keynesians believe money is a close substitute for financial assets , whereas the monetarists argue that money is not a particularly close substitute for any specific range of assets .
6 What is being alleged here is that NBFIs create assets which are in some close measure substitutes for money and which have their own advantages , interest perhaps or long-term capital gain , which money does not have .
7 One possibility is that women tend to be less involved than men in formal and public speech events where the appropriate or customary style is especially explicit , where logical connections are made on the surface and where information and argument are more important than interpersonal solidarity .
8 ‘ The assumption is that women like to be desired by many men .
9 If what the Award achieves is that women know that these options are open to them , then it 's a good thing .
10 What he did not mean is that women lack rationality ; they can and do deliberate .
11 The difference is that women collude in their subjection .
12 The rhetoric of the Right in recent years , is that women have acquired rights and opportunities in the public world , especially in the labour market , but this , it is alleged has been at the expense of their families .
13 What is happening is that women have shown their competence in practice and this has helped to change machista attitudes .
14 But the sexist truth is that women do n't give a damn .
15 The effect of his successive encounters and discoveries — which are very sparse — is that things become more complicated , or rather , that they become increasingly difficult to describe , to ‘ capture ’ .
16 But the danger is that things get too cosy .
17 Eric writes from his perspective as well , and the common thread is that things do n't last — nothing lasts . ’
18 Another result is that firms make ‘ supernormal ’ profits ( profits in excess of those necessary to induce them to remain in the industry ) at consumers ' expense .
19 The interesting , though not necessarily plausible , feature of this result is that firms know that when the price falls below the critical level this is due to a random shock , because they know it pays no one to cheat , but nevertheless they must still go into the punishment phase to enforce the collusive agreement .
20 The second condition for equilibrium is that firms enter until the next potential entrant would make a loss .
21 The advantage of this method is that profits are normally taxed only once ; the drawback is that firms have some leeway to relocate profits , paying inflated prices for imports from group subsidiaries in low-tax countries .
22 The main disadvantage is that panels tend to be influenced in their buying behaviour by the role they are playing in consumer research .
23 ‘ The first rule of banking is that bankers lend to those they trust .
24 Next er thing we need to describe is that planets move round the sun do n't we ?
25 The problem is that rock-climbers do all the hardest stuff in this game .
26 One argument to which the Government has no right to resort is that statistics do not matter .
27 One of the problems they face , however , is that hotels have a relatively long pay-back period .
28 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
29 A common complaint from clients and workers is that courts give young women sentences designed to control and confine their behaviour rather than punishments which fit their crimes .
30 The idea is that managers derive utility from spending the company 's funds to an extent beyond that necessary for profit maximisation .
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