Example sentences of "is the new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Harris Classic Masking Sheet is the new way to totally protect carpets , walls and ceilings when painting .
2 Is the new Crate valve range your doing ?
3 This is the new Biddlecombe … a couple of stones lighter … free of alocohol
4 After all , this is the New Spirituality ; all the others are behind the times !
5 A third question — what impact is the new law having on economic change ? — can not be answered satisfactorily at this early stage .
6 From this has come the immense development of Justice and Peace Commissions , both in Rome and throughout the Catholic world , which have greatly helped bring to fruition a whole new dimension of church life , a social activism concerned with the service of the poor , of economic justice and of genuine peace ( Paul VI later declared that ‘ Development is the new name for Peace ’ ) .
7 Users will be able to do decision analysis and support at the desktop , and prepare reports based on Image/SQL data — Image/SQL is the new name for the TurboImage database management system .
8 Some of the cities — such as Acco , Dor , Jaffa , Ascalon , Gaza , Pella , Philadelpheia , Scythopolis , Samaria — were ancient towns which changed style and occasionally names : Philadelpheia is the new name for Rabbat-Ammon ; Scythopolis for Bet-Shean .
9 Rassemblement constitutionel démocratique ( RCD ) is the new name ( adopted February 1988 ) of the Destour Socialist Party ( PSD ) , until 1981 the sole legal party .
10 This is the new stuff I think .
11 See this is the new stuff that 's going up .
12 HILLSIDE member Denis Nutter , a well known squash coach in the Southport area during the late seventies and early eighties , is the new secretary of the North Region of the Professional Golfers ' Association .
13 This is the new man of 1992 ’
14 Christ is the new man , the last Adam ( 1 Cor. 15:45 ) , and Christians are members of his body ( 1 Cor. 12:12ff ) .
15 Richard Dunwoody has signed up for Martin Pipe … young irishman Adrian Maguire is the new man … they should have 80 horses in training soon …
16 The Arts : Sex ‘ n ’ drugs and the RSC Godfather of punk , Ian Dury , is the new bard of Avon
17 Perhaps the most important is the new concept of marketing — a logical approach to selling which turns old practices upside down .
18 Marshall decried the reversal of a ruling made as recently as 1989 , and claimed that " power , not reason , is the new currency of this court 's decision-making " .
19 The subject of this short ‘ case study ’ is the new Bachelor of Education degree and particularly the first two years .
20 Another example is the new release of all Rossini 's overtures by Marriner , again on Philips , with a previous single disc of selected overtures becoming redundant .
21 ‘ Thou shalt conform ’ , is the new commandment of the national organizations which dominate high streets all over Britain .
22 Is the new system speedy ?
23 This is the new part , see ?
24 When , in the mid-Eighties , Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons stated that ‘ red is the new black ’ ( narrowly beating Diana Vreelands ' ‘ pink is the navy blue of India ’ observation in the Pretentious Fashion Statement stakes ) , it appeared to have been taken to heart by the designers of football kits .
25 Also at fault is the new broadcasting law , which rules out many potential buyers .
26 Wednesday February the 5th is the new date .
27 This , he believes , is the new mirror image .
28 There will be requirement for part of Peter , North Yorkshire , part of the Greater York requirement that that is the new settlement required to be met outside the greenbelt and outside the the Greater York area .
29 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
30 The fourth point , Chairman , er is the new settlement issue , and while that 's due for discussion on policy H Two , that issue does shall I suggest invade policy H One , because an appropriate form of words has to be agreed in policy H One to reflect the new settlement issue and as you 'll be aware the County Council is about a step by step approach towards the finalization of the new settlement erm strategy for Greater York , and then finally , a specific issue that you mentioned is the distribution of developments between the Greater York districts er within Greater York , now as you 'll be aware Chairman , that has been done informally , following the original structure plan in nineteen eighty the County and the Districts got together and agreed the distribution of housing and employment land in Greater York .
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