Example sentences of "was [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily he was wholly for the Ashleys .
2 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
3 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
4 The court had heard that Rhys had now been accepted for a transplant operation at a Bristol hospital and the search was on for a suitable bone marrow donor .
5 The father was on for the whole of the second act of The Hooded Owl , and never had that part of the play passed as slowly as it did that evening .
6 Quail Eggs Arnold Bennett — perhaps the name should put one off , and what arrived was enough for a full meal , with much haddock , but the sauce was rather thick , reminding one of our party of a school-sanatorium dinner .
7 My parents could only afford to give me some small change on Sundays , but it was enough for a cinema ticket and an ice cream .
8 It was enough for a while just to have this clever , charming man as a friend , flattering to have him travel so far when he could just for the pleasure of her company .
9 Paul Simpson 's goal was enough for a one-one draw .
10 Twenty pounds of butter was enough for the lease of two and a half desiatiny of land for five years.l Five pudy of linseed cake were exchanged for the approaching harvest of a desiatin of wheat .
11 That performance was enough for the bookmakers to make The Fellow favourite for this afternoon 's big one .
12 It was enough for the Church that a corpse had been presented for burial .
13 This was enough for the Home Secretary to send the case back for a fourth hearing to the Court of Appeal , with the recommendation that they summon Mathews as a witness to test his credibility .
14 The majority decision was enough for the BAF to rule that the 22-year-old Croydon sprinter , who was found positive in an out-of-competition test just before the Olympics , remains banned until 1996 .
15 Again , while the cry for disestablishment was not a major factor in the political make-up of Hughes or Perks , it was so for the bulk of the movement 's leaders , men like C. A. Berry , Alexander Mackennal , John Clifford , J. B. Paton , A. T. Guttery , W. J. Townsend , C. Silvester Home , R. F. Horton , J. H. Hollowell , J. Carvell Williams , J. E. Ellis , Henry Broadhurst , J. Compton Rickett , Albert Spicer and W. P. Hartley .
16 She was all for a bit of ducking and diving , that 's how everyone lived in her estimation , but from what she had gleaned recently about her sons , it was a completely different lifestyle they were after .
17 It was all for a purpose , of course ; little that I do is not , one way or another .
18 He was all for the idea , and we exchanged addresses .
19 And everyone in Maple Drive , as they cooked , consoled , took out their best suits and thought of even nicer things to say about Donald than the last nice thing that had been said about him , were privately so astonished , so relieved , so savagely glad to be alive that if someone had proposed to bury him upside down in a bucket of horse manure they would probably have agreed it was all for the best .
20 This included having to study rod sizes , materials and changes in the amounts of electrical current to see how the effect depended on these , which was all for the future .
21 In only one respect were my original living arrangements altered , and it was all for the best .
22 The West Midlands and Cleveland County came up with £300,000 and £250,000 respectively , and that was all for the rest of England — a paltry £885,000 compared with the £2,325,000 raised from just twelve London boroughs .
23 Hari 's face was pale and Emily told herself sternly that it was all for the best , together she and Hari would prosper .
24 Macmillan replied urbanely that he was all for the plan , adding :
25 ‘ He realized I 'd be knocked out and did his utmost to persuade me it was all for the best . ’
26 ‘ Perhaps it was all for the best you lost the baby , Helen , ’ her mother said when Helen went to visit her .
27 The grand master of ceremonies , Amir Aslan Afshar , was all for the Shah 's keeping or selling his personal plane .
28 Come along , " Aunt Tossie was all for the fun of the fair .
29 Owen was all for the Agreement .
30 He was in for a surprise .
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