Example sentences of "was [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had to be airlifted to hospital , but his teacher says the accident was a total freak , and there was nothing the school could have done to prevent it .
2 There was nothing the English or the French could do to save Poland .
3 Er i it was alright if the man took precautions but if the woman did n't take precautions there was er I mean the man did n't , there was nothing the woman could do at all about it .
4 There was nothing the matter with him , simply that he did not thrive .
5 There was nothing the matter with his features .
6 Was I the fool who let go of the rudder when the ship was on top of the rock there ?
7 Towards the end of the thirteen-year marriage she was treating me as if I was someone the cat had brought home .
8 ‘ For those who think that this is window dressing , I pause to remind you that not so long ago the Lord Chancellor was himself the subject of judicial review proceedings , ’ he added .
9 Judge Goldstone was himself the subject of harsh criticism from a number of senior government figures for making " wild suggestions " .
10 The plan had been for his son ( Frederick William ) Robin ( born 1936 ) , who succeeded as third earl and was himself the author of an excellent life of William Wilberforce [ q.v. ] , to complete it .
11 No cause of death is given , but we may make an informed guess , for all that , that a man whose elder brother had been carried off by consumption was himself the victim of that ‘ white plague ’ which accounted for one-third of all deaths in the early years of the 19th century .
12 Later , students could attend lectures at the Royal Institution by Michael Faraday ( 1791–1867 ) who was himself the son of a blacksmith farrier .
13 it could expand , unless it could gather strength and produce an army er it was on the road to annihilation which was their the course of erm Chiang Kai-Shek 's was n't it ?
14 that was you the night the doctor came round he , he nearly threw up
15 Some involved quite new titles : " Tragic Man " , " Greek Serenity " , " Tragedy and Greek Serenity " , " Greek Serenity " was itself the title for a series of plans — here too Nietzsche kept chopping and changing — and despite the presence of " Greece " and the absence of " tragedy " in the title , the book was still , unmistakably , a " comparative " tragedy book in all its versions .
16 These authors also found evidence for hot gas and dark matter extending beyond the visible galaxies , and their work was itself the subject of a News and Views article .
17 Exxon was itself the subject of 150 lawsuits by this time [ for earlier legal proceedings see p. 36606 ] .
18 It 's thought the computer he was using to write the book was itself the cause of the fire .
19 The decision followed strong reactions by the US administration and the UN to an incident earlier in the day , when Iraq troops had fired shots in the air allegedly to deny UN inspectors access to a nuclear weapons site , which was itself the culmination of a series of such refusals by Iraq .
20 It was not only a constitution which really was and is effective in the running of the state , but which was itself the product of the hegemonic culture already established .
21 This division of labour was itself the product of the growing complexity of the social organism .
22 Local administration , as we know it today , was itself the product of social action to a considerable extent .
23 The beginning of that evolution is usually dated to the constitution which Solon produced for the city in or around the year 594 BC.Solon 's intervention was itself the outcome of a period of conflict between " the masse and " the notable , according to the account given by Aristotle in The Athenian Constitution .
24 For Simmel ( who was also influential on the Chicago School of Sociology ) the individual or small group was itself the focus of explanation .
25 It is easy to exaggerate the impact of a single book although when published in Japanese the book was itself the number one bestseller .
26 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
27 He came from Wilton ( Wilts. ) , although the family 's residence there was itself the result of a career move by an earlier professional administrator ; they had come originally from the north west .
28 It was published as an Appendix to Hardy , which was itself the result of an inquiry by the Greater London Enterprise Board ( GLEB ) into the music industry .
29 He came from Wilton ( Wilts. ) , although the family 's residence there was itself the result of a career move by an earlier professional administrator ; they had come originally from the north west .
30 Was she the bait to lure him into a trap ?
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