Example sentences of "was [verb] see that " in BNC.

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1 It was almost as if I was intended to see that they were not really supernatural ; and there was Conchis 's cryptic , doubt-sowing advice that it would be easier if I pretended to believe .
2 Reading on in the book of Acts , I was fascinated to see that the experience of Cornelius and his household in Acts 10 was different .
3 She had presumed that only children cried and was disturbed to see that grownups sometimes did so .
4 I was , I was looking to see that you were n't your fingers and dear .
5 I was moved to see that she had absolute faith in my goodwill , for she took the bag without glancing at the contents .
6 I was heartened to see that one of the slogans on London East TEC 's letterhead is : ’ Our vision is that by the year 2000 , the East side of London should be as prosperous as the West side ’ — that seems to be an excellent vision for London East TEC .
7 If her son had n't got a name , at least she was going to see that he had a proper lining to his stomach .
8 He planned it , and Damian Flint was going to see that it happened .
9 And he was going to see that it was finished by Friday .
10 Ann was helped to see that this problem originally resulted from displaced resentments about Charles 's infidelity .
11 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
12 He was beginning to see that his concept of Art with a capital A was European , based on a classical tradition that was never going to expand to meet the challenge of the new generations of painters because it was defined by its time .
13 Shelley was beginning to see that she had been put in a very special place of importance in Miguel 's confidence .
14 I was touched to see that Dei had changed from his working overalls for the operation , although he would have to change straight back again after completing it .
15 I was led to see that there was much dis-ease within me , and exhorted to have my own counsellor when I left the Centre .
16 Great care was taken to see that this work was disseminated as widely as possible .
17 US ambassador Madeleine Albright said the US was determined to see that women jurists sit on the tribunal , that women prosecutors ‘ bring war criminals to justice ’ and that the systematic rape of women and girls be prosecuted thoroughly .
18 The sheriff of Lancaster was ordered to see that their rights were restored to them .
19 Verderers and agisters were on occasion , however , appointed directly by the king or by the Justice of the Forest ; at other times the warden of the forest was ordered to see that vacancies were filled .
20 In January 1219 the sheriff of Huntingdon was ordered to see that the Forest was kept as it was in the time of King John : the perambulating jury was summoned before the Council , amerced and imprisoned .
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