Example sentences of "was [verb] [to-vb] him " in BNC.

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1 The document authorizes an unusually large payment , and it has been plausibly conjectured that it was intended to reimburse him for expenses connected with the ‘ impressing ’ of choirboys for the chapel , which had been ordered in 1440 .
2 There were fears that it was intended to remove him and substitute someone more acquiescent .
3 It was touching to watch him cross the road to the crowds in Downing Street yesterday to talk quietly to them .
4 Keith rang in with a question that was designed to floor him : ‘ Who are the three England footballers in the Sixties with three ‘ o's in their surname ?
5 The historian and jurist Boris Chicherin , who was predisposed to like him , believed that Alexander had been denied " an upbringing capable of providing him with guidelines in the precarious circumstances in which he found himself " .
6 It was absorbing to watch him wear Averill down .
7 By then , released from stricter vigilance , Nicholas had been able to move from the Citadel to the house of Katelina , and soon Abul Ismail was permitted to join him .
8 This time it is clear that the new foundation was to the Viscount 's detriment and was expected to anger him .
9 The club was expected to give him a run next week in one of two friendlies against non-League opposition , but last night coach Eddie May said : ‘ He is a good lad but is just a non-starter now .
10 Eric Cantona is in the squad less than a fortnight after suffering a hamstring injury that was expected to keep him out of action for two months .
11 The landlord 's wife was expected to accompany him on the trip to Head Office .
12 He was not ‘ the one ’ and I was expected to drop him forthwith .
13 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
14 Thus in the case of Morrison v Moat ( 1851 ) 9 Hare 241 when one partner communicated a secret recipe of the partnership to his son who subsequently sought to exploit that recipe for his own account , an injunction was granted to restrain him .
15 This was in my judgment , an offer of a warranty … as to the state of the title , and it was done to induce him to exchange .
16 Despite these minor domestic headaches , it was decided to give him a special birthday treat of a guided tour of the Chubb Factory to decide exactly how all those interesting little gadgets actually work and no doubt to take away a few tips as well .
17 It was decided to teach him the final lesson , which would also warn off other émigrés who thought that they were secure in the West and could say what they liked about Ceauşescu .
18 By April of 1824 he had failed to abate the nuisance , and it was decided to present him with a formal notice to desist .
19 Word reached one of the partners and a late attempt was made to stop him .
20 Every diplomatic effort was made to get him and his army to retire back over the frontier , but without success .
21 In January 1858 an attempt was made to assassinate him as he drove with the Empress to the Opera in Paris .
22 And while I 'm on , there 's another thing I 'll say : I regret the day I was made to marry him .
23 Pablo Escobar , the leader of the Medellín drug cartel , escaped from La Catedral prison in Envigado , a few kilometres from Medellín , on July 22 as an attempt was made to transfer him to an army barracks .
24 But then Richard was persuaded to release him by Alfonso II , King of Aragon ( 1162–96 ) .
25 Importantly for Nicholson , this quirk in the social order was all that was needed to give him the kick-start he required , and it also provided him with more money than he had ever earned before .
26 But the signature of all his creditors was needed to exonerate him .
27 Give whatever was needed to make him happy .
28 Donaldson read the form through and signed it ; only his silence was needed to keep him from all liability .
29 Forrester eventually got on the pitch with about 5 minutes left , and indeed Fowler was attempting to put him through when the ball richoched back to him , hit him in the stomach and sat up in a ‘ kick me please ’ type fashion , which he did , and scored .
30 He got out his knife but stabbed to death his brother , who was attempting to restrain him .
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