Example sentences of "was [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 With the passing of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 , the 1982 Act was amended to allow the Audit Commission to become responsible for the appointment of auditors to health service bodies .
2 This order was amended to request the fitting of 525hp Rolls-Royce F.XIIA engines , superseded later by F.XIIMs .
3 A month later the decision was appealed against and in March 1984 , the appeal was allowed although the registrar 's order was amended to make the granting of the letters temporary .
4 In 1978 the act was amended to make the earliest mandatory retirement age 70 and to eliminate it entirely for federal employees .
5 I asked him where he was goin' to get the pennies from , and he said he 'd nick them from the superintendent 's gas money .
6 A visit to Tokyo by Delors on May 22-25 — his first since 1986 [ see p. 35385 ] — was intended to mark the start of a new political partnership between Japan and the EC .
7 Under the decree , which was intended to create the mechanisms of a free market to replace the administratively determined distribution system of the old Soviet economic system , local governments were ordered to organize facilities for wholesale markets in cities .
8 In addition , the mass picketing outside Grunwick 's works was intended to publicize the dispute rather than cause violent obstruction , as with Arthur Scargill 's massed legions at the Saltley coke depot in 1972 .
9 The French Revolution was intended to remedy the natural order , but it changed very little .
10 Provost John Cunningham admitted that Main had not possessed a commission as watchman and was indeed an extraordinary officer employed only when there was work for him to perform , but there seems little reason to doubt that Main 's removal was intended to serve the political interest of the Haldanes , for his removal was not an isolated case , and , moreover , when the Hamilton salt works resumed operations the excise supervisors did not in fact restore Main to his old post , but appointed an individual named Curinan to the vacancy .
11 Probably the putsch of 30 September 1965 was intended to pre-empt the power struggle which must ensue when the president died .
12 Their active presence was intended to cause the appellants to leave the scene .
13 Although this was done in an ad hoc and somewhat piecemeal fashion , it was intended to mirror the direction taken by the workshop itself .
14 It was intended to replace the older DOS operating system with a more sophisticated system that would let people use several programs at once .
15 The brilliant pebbles concept was intended to replace the original SDI proposal of 300 larger orbiting stations , housing about 10 interceptors each and using a complex system of lasers and mirrors .
16 It was intended to replace the recently abandoned Gold Standard , but gives a much greater latitude .
17 It was intended to include the need for a code of guidance to give practical help to both schools and the five area boards , he said .
18 Government officials denied that it was intended to re-open the direct negotiations with ETA leaders which had been suspended , after talks in Algiers , in April 1989 [ see pp. 36597 ; 36627-28 ] .
19 The move was intended to bolster the strength of the deutschmark and to stem inflation ( running at an annualized rate of above 4 per cent , and in the Bundesbank 's view likely to become higher as a result of possible high wage settlements in the current round of pay talks and the government 's expansionary fiscal policy following unification ) .
20 The sentence , however , was intended to reflect the attempt to kill so many people .
21 New uses are emerging for that space and new governmental and administrative forms and processes are being created which facilitate its reordering in a way which is analogous to the use of enclosure to expel a surplus peasantry , of the New Poor Law in England to dispose of a surplus of rural proletarians , of clearance to reorder the Highlands of Scotland for capitalist sheep farming , and of the Poor Law , eviction and the failure to relieve famine which was intended to transform the congested districts of Ireland from peasant to large-scale landlord-led capitalist farming .
22 It was intended to represent the concept of a tram in 2937 , but its unfortunate shape resembled more closely a cottage-loaf , by which it became known to the crews .
23 A standard vessel in the later Greek period was the peniekonier , the fifty-oar ship , thought by Bury ( 1951 ) to have come into use in the eighth century BC , and it may be that the seal showing a vessel with thirty oars was intended to represent the Minoan forerunner of this Greek type of warship .
24 In the analysis of linguistic variation , therefore , we were looking for fine details of variation-variation that shows internal patterning within the speech community , but which may have no social meaning for outsiders — and in the first application for funding it was specified that the research was intended to extend the quantitative methodology to a type of community that had not been studied in this way before .
25 It was intended to use the new ‘ RM ’ type buses to replace the trolleybuses as they were larger than their predecessors and almost comparable in capacity .
26 A new role was then established , that of coordinator , which bypassed the head and was intended to carry the new vision of good practice directly from Merrion House ( the Education Department 's offices ) to the classroom .
27 The IMF agreement was intended to support the restructuring process which was being pursued with the application of the austerity measures , a wage freeze and currency reform announced in December 1989 [ see p. 37194 ] .
28 A loan of US$2,500 million from the Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) for the period 1990-1993 was intended to support the government 's October decision to lift controls on imports , ending the country 's traditional policy of protectionism .
29 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres Pérez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
30 The Poor Law was intended to deter the able-bodied from seeking relief .
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