Example sentences of "was [verb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now , at last , the snow was easing a little .
2 Inside , Webb 's work was altered a little in the 1830s by George 's son , Robert Henry , who chose to replace the staircase .
3 By 1958 Newman was the Drama Supervisor for CBC and was producing the very successful Canadian Television Theatre presentations when he was approached by the ABC TV company in England ( now London Weekend Television ) .
4 It must be recalled that Marx was using a very abstract model , in which only workers and capitalists appear as economic persona .
5 He was using a very real emotion , cold-bloodedly , deliberately , to taunt and intimidate .
6 I decided to give the combined mode a try since I was using a fairly fast 386DX — it was still painfully slow so I reverted to separate modes .
7 I was using the very fast 12-shot per roll film which estate agents use to make houses look good in the rain .
8 However , when the two letters to be matched were presented simultaneously , rather than successively , the pattern of results differed for the two visual fields in such a way as to suggest that the right hemisphere was still using a visually-based strategy while the left hemisphere was using an acoustically based strategy .
9 He was treated a little harshly because he was aged and equivalent in rank to the vast majority of the officer instructors .
10 One speaker from the Gloucester Diocese was given a particularly noisy reception .
11 He had met her previously when she was given a similarly small part in Hell 's Angels on Wheels and now they were both unattached and deeply attracted to one another .
12 The restoration caused no trouble to the East India Company , which was quite soon able to turn itself into a distinctly royalist body and was given a rather wider range of political powers than it had possessed before .
13 On the Sunday , a crowd of eight thousand cheered the Royal Family on their way to church and Baldwin was given a most cordial reception .
14 Although both sides continued to use much the same arguments after 1900 as they had before , the question of competition was given a completely new dimension and greater urgency by the appearance of the first Monotype machines .
15 At this holy place , without any warning , without any cool calculation on his part , he was given a far richer blessing by God himself .
16 During the final years of Elizabeth 's reign , the unique form of Protestant church she had erected was given a more distinct theoretical and philosophical identity in the writings of Richard Hooker , an Oxford academic and master of the Temple church in London .
17 Arraigned on the same charge , Ren Wanding , the veteran human rights activist , who had previously been imprisoned for four years for his activities in the 1978-79 Democracy Movement , was given a more severe seven-year sentence with three years ' deprivation of political rights , having refused to show repentance for his " grave " crimes .
18 Some sympathetic mothers covered it with bandages and bulging dressings and I was driven to the doctors ' where I was given a more impressive bandage , leaving my finger looking the size of a small banana .
19 She was given a very short expectation of life by the doctors .
20 He commissioned much of the interior decoration from Alfred Stevens [ q.v. ] : there was a special relationship between patron and sculptor , under which Stevens was given a very free hand .
21 Certainly when I went there recently I was given a very good reception , which pleased me very much .
22 In acquiring privileges from the papacy this was very frequently one that was given a very significant place .
23 Privately Owen intended to make sure that she was given a very strong briefing beforehand .
24 I then zealous to understand I I er , er , erm sought it Statutes , Volume thirty-three nineteen ninety three edition and studied most carefully pages six hundred and seventy-five to six hundred and seventy-seven and there I found an account of what has happened to Sections two and three and also for the first time light was shed upon Section two A. My Lords , I have from time to time ventured to express some doubt as to whether our legislative procedures were as excellent , as I 'm sure Your Lordships would wish them to be and when I recently suggested in the most mild terms to Her Majesty 's Government that they might consider some form of enquiry into our legislative procedures to see whether as they were as high class as they should be , erm I was given a very negative reply the clear influence of which was that the our legislative procedures could not possibly be improved and My Lords I do really think with respect that that is a proposition which is open to doubt .
25 In addition , every member of the workshop was given a very high quality A5 folder .
26 I stayed there only a few days , and then for some reason I was removed to the Colegio Fray Luis de Leon , where I was given a somewhat larger and more comfortable room .
27 The acrimonious struggle for power was given a somewhat comical twist by the issue of a press release in September from Virgin Atlantic 's publicity office , saying that in response to the many rumours circulating in the airline industry , Virgin Atlantic wished it to be known that there had been no boardroom ‘ bust-up ’ between Randolph Fields and Richard Branson .
28 Well I was given a really big chance a while ago , it was by a single parent who was an editor of the community newspaper , I 'm now the business and production manager , I 'm a single parent , my wee boy 's three .
29 ‘ American would be back very rapidly if Stansted was given a much fairer opportunity to operate new routes , ’ added Mr Hobbs .
30 When it comes to the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances that the constitution asserted , it is also clear that the bureaucracy was given a much more equal share than either the Diet or the Judiciary .
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