Example sentences of "is set the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we have succeeded in doing so far is to set the scene for the quantum mechanical play .
2 When you switch the Quad on , the only setting-up procedure that you have to follow is to set the memory function for the reverb , graphic and master effects loop .
3 If region R undertakes programmes that create spillovers for region S , then , following Boadway and Wildasin ( 1984 ) , the optimal decision is to set the provision of that good at the quantity where where
4 A better and more accurate method is to set the edit-in point on the source-tape early by the amount of the backspace , so that the true edit-in point reaches the playback head just as the record-machine completes the backspace and starts to record .
5 Victoria 's genius in the Tenbrae Responses is to set the text to music of simple strength , built on memorable melodic lines in which the text often receives one note per syllable .
6 NEXT loop is to set the loop variable to a value equal to the limit value and then GOTO to the NEXT statement .
7 You could make complicated calculations , but an alternative is to set the blade for cutting the segments flat , but to hold the plank at the desired angle as you cut .
8 You also need to allow headroom by leaving a little space between the top edge of the frame and the subject 's head , except for big c.lose-ups when the rule is to set the head so that the eyes come at about two-thirds of the height of the picture .
9 Its aim is to set the terms by which countries would move reciprocally to a more open market in defence trade , eliminating discriminatory laws and procurement practices and introducing some openness into the awarding of contracts .
10 Well the R Y A is Britain 's National Authority for the sport of sailing , simple as that , we look after every aspect of sailing and powerboating but our particular role in training is to set the syllabi pre to the courses , to train the instructors and to make sure the standard of teaching in every centre is up to scratch .
11 One solution is to set the glass back as much as a foot and to use thick , matured timber mullions to break up the surface .
12 But to travel is to set the mind free .
13 if , if Freud 's theory of the group is correct , that it 's centred on the leader playing the super role then the presumably the leader could exhort members of the group to act better than they normally would , because after all one of the super leader 's functions is to set the goals for the ego and to give the the goal , the ego something to aspire to so er and as Joy mentioned in her papers and I 'm trying to remind you of , y you , you said that quoting Freud if you recall that , that , that Freud says and I think he , he , he repeats this from the also made the same observation that in a group or a crowd people can act a lot worse than they normally would , they can be more destructive , primitive erm and er more governed by their erm base emotions as it were , but equally in a crowd people can act better than they normally would .
14 The formula for the earnings ratio is simply +B7/B6 entered into B9 and to show this as a percentage all that is necessary is to set the cells format to percent .
15 All that we can do is to set the visitor in motion ; but having done so , we can not review his decision .
16 And their role is to set the objectives and priorities for the team and to impose shape or pattern on discussions and activities .
17 All you do is set the input gain to a reasonable level ( the green input level LED flashes gently if there 's too much signal ) and then use the plus/minus switches to set up the desired sound via the graphic .
18 So what we do is erm your your cursor must be in the table somewhere , so you then go up to table , select table , then you 've got to format , border , and grid so we want the grid lines to show then in fact you can chose what we want for the outside border one of these Right , okay Now what I want you to do is set the questions , right ?
19 If no time limit is set the work tends to be unfocused .
20 I mean what we can do is set the oven .
21 The culture of science looks for rapid and visible results , and it is this , despite occasional formal disavowals , that is setting the agenda .
22 Beyond that , he says that the rediscovery of the lessons of shamanism and the power of psychedelics is setting the scene for a general Archaic Revival , which will see a return to the magical knowledge of tribal times .
23 Erm , I would like to know who is setting the controls
24 There is no reason to suppose that care in other branches of medicine has been more thoroughly validated , so Smith is setting the GMC an impossibly large task .
25 The Government is fond of pointing out that output rose 20% between 1981 and 1991 , but it is setting the starting point in the trough of a recession to suit itself .
26 In such a case , we would suspect that the bridle is setting the kite at too steep an angle .
27 Therefore part of the appraisal is setting the target to be competent in the job .
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