Example sentences of "is why [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is why every family needs to be renewed in its relationships — both to one another and to God .
2 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
3 The curious thing is why a university made Mr Jeffries head of an academic department in the first place .
4 Up until this point we have assumed that a referential locus is quite generally available for property words , not only adjectives in fact but also adverbs : ( 8 ) Philippa comforted her lovingly the referential locus of the adverb is that of the verb ; and the referential locus of the verb in turn is the entity of the subject phrase ; that is why a sentence like : ( 9 ) the drink comforted her lovingly is unacceptable , despite the fact that lovingly can co-occur with comfort , while comfort is compatible with drink .
5 I assume that that is why a consultant , who is the nephew of a distinguished former socialist in the House , said yesterday : ’ I do not believe the health service would be safe in Labour 's hands . ’
6 The basis of this understanding of marriage is laid down in the very first book of the Bible : ‘ That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife , and they become one . ’
7 Of course not , which is why a United States of Europe is out of the question .
8 The pupae can remain dormant for months , or even years , waiting for the right vibrations , which is why a person moving into a previously empty house may suffer a plague of fleas .
9 This is why a child who grows up in an atmosphere where artistic beauty is in evidence and talked about and striven after has an enormous advantage over the child from a background of visual ugliness in which people are innocent of any artistic discernment .
10 Hence , for many sociologists , what is frequently most interesting is why a society defines a pattern of behaviour as a ‘ problem ’ and the process by which it becomes a ‘ problem ’ .
11 Homoeopathy is why a remedy is given , not what is given
12 ‘ Obviously they will not just be handed a job which is why a strategy is already mapped out for training and so on . ’
13 These exercise their antimicrobial powers against a wide variety of different bacteria and when given for , say , a sore throat , will also kill off many of the normal commensal organisms in the intestine ( which is why a lot of people develop diarrhoea when taking antibiotics ) , and will also destroy the normal bacterial flora in the vagina .
14 You were very tightly corseted , which makes any exertion almost impossible because if you ca n't fill your lungs to take enough air then obviously you ca n't take enough exercise , which is why a lot of women would faint with shock or horror because any sort of sharp intake of breath , and they 'd be flat on their backs , unconscious .
15 That is why a player like Uwe Bein has come back in , ’ Vogts said .
16 This is why a mix of different people has the potential to dovetail and become a cohesive team .
17 This is why the dropout rate amongst would-be dealers is so phenomenal .
18 This is why the telecommunications industry in the US is now finalising a scheme to use pooled money , with government administration , to pay for the training of foreign engineers .
19 ‘ That is why the hound appears to burn in the dark .
20 That is why the treaty on political union at Maastricht can not be seen as some troublesome adjunct to the treaty on monetary union .
21 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
22 That is why the Maastricht summit was always going to be important well beyond its paper agenda .
23 ‘ You have to understand the client , ’ said which is why the firm also encourages quarterly meetings where future plans are discussed and the partner assigned to a new client takes along details of other services available which fit perceived needs .
24 That is why the peace process , for which Israel has been striving for 44 years , has to be seen as the only viable solution .
25 But the real division in Britain is geographical , which is why the West Midlands has become the decisive battlefield in elections , the Debatable Land , where neither establishment is dominant .
26 That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio , so often neglected in discussions of animal biology , is important .
27 That is why the location for the Thai Hoa , the Palace of Perfect Concord , was chosen with such care .
28 I said in my orginal response that there was a failure in the signalling system at the time , and that is why the emergency procedure was in operation .
29 That is why the goods for which we are responsible are being labelled in Russian when they go to the former Soviet Union .
30 That is why the Josephs did not mind her staying there .
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