Example sentences of "is on the other " in BNC.

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1 If it 's warm or it smoke is coming through , do n't open it , the fire is on the other side
2 ‘ Well yes I know … but Aussie land is on the other side of the world ai n't it ? ’
3 The enemy is on the other side , shut within the walls of Jericho , and the Israelites are ready for war .
4 Whoever it is on the other side of this white wall , for instance , spends most of his waking hours wheezing and coughing and ( by the sound of it ) banging his swollen head against the partition .
5 Chuck is on the other end o' the rope , and he 'll be able tae hold it firm while we climb back . ’
6 At one side of the galaxy the gas is travelling at 700 km per second faster than it is on the other side .
7 He is on the other side sitting on the end of the log . ’
8 The smoke is on the other side about a mile away or less . ’
9 ‘ That you ’ When the offender is on the other end of a telephone this point is usually difficult to prove .
10 Her producer boyfriend Brian Kestner is on the other side of the United States , in New York .
11 Even the enthusiasm of a Maury Temerlin ( 1976 ) does not tempt him to attribute this level of sophistication to Ameslan Lucy ; in part , for the obvious reason , that she would then be at risk to what is on the other side of this coin — moral guilt .
12 The opportunity you really want to take is on the other side of that wall and it will remain there until you manage to puncture your own pomposity .
13 There is no call to go through Saint-Sauveur , because the road for Gavarnie is on the other bank of the Gave .
14 It is on the other hand , in my judgment , necessary in our democratic society for a local government authority to be able to take appropriate proceedings for the protection of its property and reputation .
15 I lose track of where I am and all I know is that my baby is on the other side of the world .
16 " Auntie 's bedroom window does n't look in that direction at all ; her old office-block is on the other side of the house . "
17 While one can not say with certainty that such images ‘ teach ’ boys to be aggressive in class , there is on the other hand little there which would permit boys to be quiet and accommodating , the attributes valued by the harassed classroom teacher .
18 But Bourdieu is on the other hand very French , very Parisian , and as seductively avant-garde in sociology as Foucault , Lacan , Barthes , Lefebvre , Derrida , and Deleuze are for other academic disciplines .
19 They used to say the brass is on the other side of the river used t
20 Raymond is on the other side of the table , but near enough to hear me .
21 According to information received from usually reliable sources , ‘ Sunny Jim ’ Hawkins is on the other side of that door with a whole room full of white powder .
22 But the entrance is on the other side of the keep , ’ she added worriedly .
23 Richards ' main runner is On The Other Hand who was bought recently out of the John Mulhern stable after having been with Jeremy Maxwell in his early days .
24 On this interpretation SIB Core Rule 36 , which was discussed earlier , modifies the attribution of knowledge rule and , where no information passes across a Chinese wall , authorises the withholding of information which is on the other side of the wall .
25 Does each think that the real money is on the other side ?
26 It is not difficult to tell from casual chat at court who does what and after dealing with a few claims you soon get to know who is on the other side acting for the insurance companies .
27 Honestly think , it 's rotated it 's face is on the other side .
28 The boot is on the other foot
29 Okay well hang on just a second then because John Power , Councillor John Power is on the other line , let's bring him back into that .
30 I would n't say that because still the problem is on the other side of the border and I have no indications of how many people will move , are on the move , are perhaps waiting to come in .
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