Example sentences of "is not [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is very important if a UK business is to ensure that it is not charged VAT at the standard rate on the supply of these goods where the customer 's VAT number subsequently proves to be false or otherwise incorrect .
2 Then we can write , when a homologous element is not made unity , unc Here a , b , c , d ; p , q are the values of a homologous element in the various columns ; a , b , c , d are known .
3 The association 's magazine Which ? says that insurance companies and the Department of Transport collect accident details that could throw light on the cars which best protect their occupants , but this information is not made public .
4 If the treaty is not ratified Mr Wilson suggests there will be no extra money in the budget and Clwyd could well lose Euro grants .
5 Human turpitude of a personal kind is clearly visible in the activities of the wife and the monk — a sad human ignorance , lack of mastery and even spiritual failure in the case of the merchant — a turpitude that is not rendered comic in any distinguished way by some unexpectedly creative sleight of hand in the Shipman 's Tale , nor artfully embodied in the sort of grotesque and rapid excesses that we have in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin .
6 It is important to notice that he is not granted sovereignty .
7 Among the reasons for this is that girls seem to volunteer more readily for singing and the recruitment of boys is not given priority .
8 The report is important because it makes it clear that where safety is not given priority by both management and the regulatory authorities — in this case the Department of Energy and the Government — things begin to go badly awry .
9 Investment business from a non-UK office , however , is not regulated business ( and is thus within the foreign business carve-out ) if : ( 1 ) It is not carried on with or for customers in the UK .
10 This is because investment business is not regulated business unless : ( 1 ) It is carried on from a UK office ; or ( 2 ) Where relevant , it is carried on with or for customers in the UK and is within the FSA 's territorial scope ( see page 39 above ) .
11 It is noteworthy that Ælfgifu is not called queen , but that she nevertheless occupies a position next to Emma and before the archbishop of Canterbury .
12 That is just called pentate it is not called E M penta any more equally you do n't have sec butile alcohol turk turt butile alcohol they 've been out for ten years !
13 The main river of the strath is not called Conon but Meig and its headwaters rise on the slopes of Moruisg/Ceannaichean above Achnashellach , giving a through route which was once as busy as Strath Bran but now only sees the rare backpacker with an eye for good cross-country walking .
14 One minus point is that the handle is not raised bey far above the heating plate , making knuckles warm .
15 The currency of a provisional grant where it is not declared final is to be a period of one year ( subs .
16 In countries where a full banking presence is not permitted banks sometimes establish representative offices which do not engage in deposit-taking or lending but act as marketing agencies for other branches of a bank .
17 The LIFESPAN username supplied to PI is not permitted access to the listed module .
18 The given user is not associated with the Design Change and , therefore , is not permitted access to it .
19 But this is not established fact at all .
20 Separatism is not acquired politics .
21 A fifteen-day teachers ' strike in September 1989 , supported by other workers , reflected some of these economic and professional concerns , though the Costa Rican teachers ' union is not considered militant .
22 The German working parties are also out , so it is not considered etiquette to fire .
23 This disposal is not considered material to qualify as a discontinued operation in accordance with FRS 3 .
24 Significantly , another housewife mentioned the fact that housework is not paid work as a reason for disliking it ; she said she would be happier doing someone else 's housework for pay than doing her own work .
25 If overtime is not paid subsistence can be claimed at own base .
26 The disk is not allowed access until it has been validated with the Disknet check program .
27 The disk is not allowed access until it has been validated with the Disknet check program .
28 In contrast , for the Yanomami and the Shavante the moral universe within which violence is not allowed slips and slides : today you are a friend , but perhaps tomorrow you are not .
29 The property is not excluded property .
30 If however , the husband dies before the wife ( ie whilst her right of occupation subsists ) his reversionary interest in the proceeds of sale is not excluded property and there will be a charge to inheritance tax ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s48(1) ) .
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