Example sentences of "is not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Among the eight with stage I disease , five had tumoural involvement of the stomach which would have required total gastrectomy , a procedure with a high morbidity rate and one that is not justified with a well tolerated , slowly progressing disease .
2 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
3 Editor , — We strongly support A L Clark and A J S Coats 's conclusions that screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not justified at present and that more research is needed on both the effectiveness of early treatment and the natural course of minor abnormalities detected by screening .
4 More fertilizer might mean more grain ( and more carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide to add to the greenhouse effect ) , but there obviously comes a point where more fertilizer does not mean a bigger yield or perhaps is not justified on cost grounds , particularly when grain prices are low , as they were for part of the 1980s .
5 is not justified on a general reading of that case .
6 Only this time , the opponents of culling would be armed with more evidence that such a cull is not justified on scientific grounds .
7 If a lorry driver does not actually drive each day because business is slack , but receives his usual wages , he is not justified in complaining about lack of actual driving work .
8 It is not justified by viewing his work comprehensively , even to 1967 ; still less so to 1978 when Scobie wrote .
9 ‘ We … know ’ , says Paul , ‘ that a man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ … because by works of the law shall no one be justified ’ ( Galatians 2.16 ) .
10 It is not justified by an observation of their own behaviour .
11 In the context of the rest of chapter 29 , as already set out , it seems clear to us that the delay or deferment means , at its lowest , wrongful delay or deferment , such as is not justified by the circumstances of the case .
12 As for the requirement for the owners , charterers , managers and operators of the vessel and , in the case of a company , the shareholders and directors , to be resident and domiciled in the member state in which the vessel is to be registered , it must be held that such a requirement , which is not justified by the rights and obligations created by the grant of a national flag to a vessel , results in discrimination on grounds of nationality .
13 In my respectful opinion , this analysis of In re Leighton 's Conveyance is not justified by Luxmoore J. 's judgment .
14 The statement that ‘ radiotherapy and radical prostatectomy are effective in treating locally confined prostate cancer ’ ( cited with a reference to an American consensus conference ) is not justified by the available evidence .
15 Both sections 12 and 14 allow the senior police officer to impose conditions only if he ‘ reasonably believes ’ that the stipulated events will occur , and the Government White Paper expressed the view that the new law would ‘ ensure that demonstrators have an effective means of challenging any decision by the police to impose conditions which is not justified by a real risk of serious disorder , disruption or coercion . ’
16 Where is it clear that reliance may be placed on our association with the preparation of financial information , and where that reliance is not justified by the nature of the association , we should take every opportunity to make the nature of our position clear ( for example , in discussing information , prepared but not reported on by ourselves , with a client 's bankers ) .
17 A statement that a reporter is a " libellous journalist " implies some proven propensity to defame : it is not justified by the fact that he was once in his career obliged to apologise .
18 Hence , the requirement for very large rates of return is not justified from a shareholder-wealth viewpoint .
19 it is not painted on a wall :
20 If your aircraft is not painted in a standard colour you will often find details of the exact type and colour in the airframe log book .
21 However , it is not commenting on the size of the cuts .
22 Silicon Graphics Inc , Mountain View , is not commenting on a report in the New York Times that it is considering teaming up with Time Warner Inc to develop hardware for interactive television .
23 If a country has a high inflation rate ( relative to trading partners ) and this is not offset by external currency depreciation then it will become increasingly uncompetitive in the world 's markets for goods and services .
24 It is often the case that this is not offset by the relatively small environmental loss experienced along the already very busy distributor road by a relatively small number of people as a result of the addition of a relatively small number of vehicles .
25 Therefore , the protective effect of heparin treatment against reinfarction and mortality is not offset by a rebound after stopping treatment .
26 A pipe or cigarette burns all the time , and just wastes smoke when the user is not drawing on it .
27 In Mark and Luke , the betrayer is not named at the Last Supper itself .
28 THE Australian bird the cockatoo is not named from any association with the cockerel , but derives from the Malay word ‘ kakatuwa ’ .
29 The novel is not named from its great house ( as are Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey ) , but from the comfortable home , no longer bleak , where John Jarndyce exercises his abundant hospitality .
30 He is not named in the charge but the club are accused of breaking all-ticket rules on match-day morning .
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