Example sentences of "is [that] these [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At the age of 22 he wrote to his father from Paris : ‘ What annoys me most is that these idiots in France still think I am seven years old , because that is when they first knew me . ’
2 ( Another curious suggestion I have heard is that these rings were worn as a souvenir of a marriage ) .
3 The claim is that these rules can be built up from a simple base .
4 The chief safeguard for freedom here is that these rules apply to the governors as well as the governed .
5 The reason suggested for this is that these girls feel that they should be able to cope with their pregnancy and problems on their own instead of sharing them within the unit , as most other girls do .
6 What is special is that these molecules are put together in much more complicated patterns than the molecules of nonliving things , and this putting together is done by following programs , sets of instructions for how to develop , which the organisms carry around inside themselves .
7 What Freud actually says in Totem and Taboo is the opposite of that , what he actually says is that these feelings are innate , and they are part of an evolutionary heritage .
8 So said Freud , it 's no wonder that people believe in religion , because religion can provide you with a lot , with a lot of gratification , but the fundamental psychological explanation for this , says Freud , is that these feelings that religion gratifies in adult life , are transferences of feelings that we all had in infancy .
9 Professor Stone 's views may differ greatly from Mr Irving 's , but one thing they ARE agreed on is that these diaries are genuine .
10 But the truth is that these patterns of speech belong to convention and habit .
11 ‘ The second reason for withdrawing clause 54(4) is that these services would tend to be much less used .
12 But what differentiates the earlier part of this century from either the present or the early nineteenth century is that these problems did not all coalesce into one disturbing image of a threatening , dangerous , and disorderly criminal class .
13 One advantage of complete mixes is that these problems have been corrected by nutritionists who work for the compound feed manufacturers .
14 The criticism is that these problems have left DGIV with far too much power to act as both prosecutor and judge in the cases it has pursued .
15 Different large-scale multi-divisional enterprises may exploit these advantages in different degrees , according to the form and degree of diversification they have developed and according to the particular effectiveness of their management , but the general point here is that these advantages can not be written off as financial/speculative considerations .
16 tourism in West Sussex I mean what would happen to that is just one example er on a broader level , the County Council is working with the European regions to promote West Sussex in Europe and what would happen to that , the only conclusion we could draw is that these policies would crumble and to er seriously affect West Sussex and finally I come back to the point that , that I will keep making , if I ever get the opportunity , namely the cost of this exercise .
17 However a problem is that these nuclei are very small and only a few manage to collide and fuse .
18 Much of this public criticism directed at practitioners , often reinforced and fuelled by the reports themselves , is that these tragedies and scandals have arisen because practitioners ‘ failed ’ , in part , because they lacked the knowledge about child abuse which a thorough grounding in the research and its findings would have given them .
19 The most important point to recognize , however , is that these developments did not substantially undermine the essential relationships underpinning capitalist economies .
20 A common explanation is that these revolutions came from outside : East Europeans simply took the chance offered by Mikhail Gorbachev 's Sinatra doctrine to ‘ do it their way ’ .
21 The second is that these neurons must not be involved in any other task .
22 What research has shown is that these tendencies to behave in certain ways are deeply embedded in past experiences .
23 If the first caveat is that these processes are at a relatively embryonic state , the second caveat is that such movements towards greater institutional self-reflection are liable to be arbitrarily arrested by external pressures .
24 Some groups of pieces may still form parts of the picture , but the more you shake the box , the more likely it is that these groups will get broken up and the pieces will be in a completely jumbled state in which they do n't form any sort of picture .
25 The most likely explanation is that these creatures are a form of large sea-cow , though monster-watchers around the world still hold firmly to the view that the ancient loch is home to a family of plesiosaurs , a remnant of the Mesozoic era .
26 Mr Annan 's idea is that these planners — civilians as well as military men — should not remain on their bottoms in New York but should be sent off to the field to implement the operations they planned .
27 The point made here and in Heyer , Roberts and Williams ( 1981 ) is that these conflicts of interest and how they are expressed in governments ( and outside ) have to be recognised .
28 What counts for the UK 's international position is that these innovations have enabled production to take place with new types of labour , new ways of organizing labour and in new areas of the world , but long-wave theories do not consider those changes .
29 The only compensation for the adult male is that these feats are generally lost when the orgasm is accompanied with ejaculation of semen .
30 The other reason is that these activities must be backed by capital reserves , as in the case of banks .
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