Example sentences of "is [v-ing] two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Wivenhoe have just two home games left , an Essex derby with Grays and a real six-pointer against Wokingham , and Dowman is demanding two wins , plus a few points away from Broad Lane .
2 Plating is knitting two yarns together .
3 As part of its contribution to the Robert Adam bicentenary celebrations in 1992 , the National Library is publishing two books on the architect .
4 The Open University is developing two courses which will incorporate socio- economic data held by the Archive ; the first on Family and Community Research in the 19th and 20th Centuries and the second on data analysis .
5 Max Schreck in Batman Returns , CHRISTOPHER WALKEN is writing two screenplays .
6 The 55-year-old coach of Grove Athletics Club has already begun her new role by encouraging local sporting and musical groups to consider visits to Mari and has formed a link with a Wantage-based company , Autotype International , which is sending two executives to Mari El in July .
7 Lewes Tertiary College is holding two courses starting in September : City & Guilds 790 Machine Knitting Course .
8 She is spending two days isolated from the world . ’
9 A fourteen-year-old boy who 's been charged with twenty-seven crimes this year is spending two weeks in Spain at the taxpayers expense .
10 Aqua Libra , the refreshing non-alcoholic drink , is giving two tickets to the first person to call their hotline ( ) .
11 Voyager — The World of National Geographic : Scottish Television is running two weeks behind .
12 The declining popularity of bonfire night in the back garden is having two effects : a dramatic cut in the number of people hurt by fireworks , and booming business for the firms that put on the big public displays .
13 Which is one of the reasons , by the way , why another thing you will get murdered for in the er workshops is taking two hammers and hitting the heads against each other , because they 're hardened and y they may well shatter quite explosively if you do that .
14 Pro-activeness is taking two steps forward while pushing your competition one step back
15 ‘ Anthem for Doomed Youth ’ has a completely different angle of viewing as it is comparing two types of death , slaughtering and a ceremonial death .
16 Manager Greg Downs is making two changes for tomorrow 's game .
17 At the Montaigne until 18 July , Marie-Jo Lafontaine , one of the first European artists to explore the aesthetic potential of video imagery , is showing two groups of works polyptychs , monochromes and , of course , videos entitled ‘ We are all shadows ’ and ‘ Tout ange est terrible ’ .
18 Concurrently at 303 Gallery Acconci is showing two pieces from 1991 : ‘ Home Entertainment Centers ’ , which features life-sized inflatable dolls with media implants and ‘ Pleasure Heads ’ , which are probably better off not being described .
19 The Museum of Modern Art , Oxford , is hosting two exhibitions devoted to the work of Sol LeWitt .
20 Mulheim is offering two posts in the town library and two in a summer camp in north Germany .
21 Serenissima is offering two visits to Vienna combined with a 4-day cruise along the Danube from Vienna to Budapest and the Wachau Valley .
22 Galerie Brusberg is offering two exhibitions in December .
23 Patients believe that their doctor , to the best of his or her ability , is following two rules : everything that is beneficial is being done , and nothing is being done that is not directly beneficial .
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