Example sentences of "is [vb pp] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In so doing it is recognized that many of the questions raised are left open for subsequent investigation and that the results are initial and tentative .
2 However , it is recognized that other tasks may well tap other aspects of plural reference .
3 It is recognized that any programme of improving information management will cost money , in the form of staff and equipment , but any money spent will result in opening up the wealth of our information resources to larger numbers of people .
4 Now , thanks to form criticism , it is recognized that most of the psalms were sung in the public worship of the temple prior to its destruction in 587 BC .
5 It is recognized that this is reaching its final stages . "
6 It is recognized that this might cause expenditure problems in telephone expense but , if it is sited in the library , it is under constant supervision and control , which would preclude unauthorized use of the telephone system and allow a proper accounting system of telephone costs , which could be charged to the per capita of the department using the system , similar to the way in which Rank Xerox is administered .
7 Thus although it is recognized that regulatory agencies can influence behaviour , it is also true that the framework on to which they impose constraints is not the same regardless of the underlying institutional structure .
8 However , it is recognized that some processes , such as the production of output for proofing or to magnetic tape , may be executed in a background mode to optimize the use of system resources .
9 In order to communicate between data bases of differing structures it is recognized that some expansion of the file is necessary .
10 It is emphasized that all the input utterances were based on hand transcriptions , rather than the output of acoustic-phonetic processing .
11 From 1 January 1993 , it is intended that all members engaging in public practice , whether retired , semi-retired or in full-time employment , will be subject to the requirement to hold a practising certificate and consequently to comply with the PII Regulations ( p 151 ) .
12 When this system is in use it is intended that all members of the design team will be allowed to view and manipulate some of the filed data , but not necessarily all of it .
13 It is intended that all the applications , received so far , will be processed , and accounts adjusted , before the May instalment becomes due .
14 It is intended that all the information will be presented in a graphical , rather than tabular form and that , where relevant , concept/keyword maps will be inserted as part of the access to the information .
15 The identity of each years show lies with the selector , in this way it is intended that each exhibition will be significantly different in terms of art practise , medium and ways of thinking .
16 Following the success of the first Alumni Teachers ' Meeting at the University 's Schools ' Open Day , it is intended that such meetings will become a regular event .
17 It is intended that such a timetable should be updated and agreed for circulation to staff each April .
18 It is intended that interim findings will be reported for discussion in venture groups , the results of which will then be integrated into the final report .
19 It is intended that 828 will be working on the main line as soon as possible and consequently it has been rebuilt to British Rail Main Line standards .
20 We should be grateful for your advice on whether this is a loophole which is likely to be quickly closed or whether it is intended that this type of business should benefit in this way .
21 It is intended that this system , which will presumably be the basis for pool allocations for some years to come , will be refined during the next few years as it works out in practice .
22 It is intended that this be jointly developed by the Council , the Police and the Region 's bus operators .
23 Two officers whose term of secondment came to an end in the course of the year were replaced by promotions from within the Library 's staff , and it is intended that this pattern should continue when the remaining officer returns to the Scottish Office in due course .
24 It is intended that this pilot research will develop a standardised set of procedures with which the investigation can be extended over the remaining Ulster counties which subsequently formed Northern Ireland .
25 It is intended that this new sponsorship will become an annual event .
26 These are usually agreed jointly by the Countryside Commission and local authorities , and it is intended that strict development control should be applied within them .
27 It is intended that these articles should be in addition to current missionary writing which appears in the magazine each month .
28 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
29 Subject to availability of these resources , it is intended that these unit specifications would be available by June 1990 .
30 When the new system is introduced the caretaking staff will not be amongst those identified as operators and it is intended that these revised hours will assist caretaking staff by freeing them for more appropriate duties .
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