Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 The cycling is cheered on by town crowds outside the cafes and brasseries , eating chips with mussels or andouillettes , the spiced sausages made of pigs ' chitterlings , all washed down with beer : the Artois lagers or the rich dark malts of Belgium .
2 Further evidence of Starfield 's commitment to quality is provided by the fact that every guitar which comes into the country is checked over by repairer Martyn Booth before being dispatched to the shops .
3 Each prospective members is checked out by a KSA officer , and the standard of its installations in monitored .
4 Yes , this is what big shops , particularly in America , have now been doing for a few years , in that the till that takes your order as it were is also a computer terminal on line to large computers somewhere else , and every time your tin of baked bins is checked out by the girl on the till , it is adjusting the stocks on its large computer and saying , ‘ Hey , we 're going to run out of baked beans at approximately ten o'clock tomorrow morning .
5 The huts provide water and toilets , and cooking is done by bottled gas which is flown in by helicopter ; there 's no electricity , of course .
6 But in the Arctic , summer is just past its peak , with the pack ice as far north as it is likely to be , although in a month the first skin of new ice will tinkle and shimmer as it is broken up by the morning breeze .
7 Whether the words are printed , typed or handwritten ; whether they appear on a screen or on different types and qualities of paper ; whether a ‘ text ’ occurs as a separate item , as part of an academic journal , or in a book or an encyclopaedia ; how the page is laid out , the extent to which it is broken up by illustrations , headings , and the use of different typefaces .
8 The final , most outstanding feature of tropical forest — not so obvious to the casual visitor , but exceedingly important — is the sheer speed at which detritus ( leaf litter and dead animals ) is broken down by insects , fungi , and bacteria .
9 The food we eat is broken down by means of a series of enzymes in the mouth , stomach and small intestine to its simple component molecules which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream .
10 Alcohol is broken down by the chemicals called enzymes in the liver through which blood circulates once every four minutes .
11 Waste material in the ubiquitous black plastic bags brews up and is broken down by a common bacterium , Clostridium botulinum , which produces a very potent toxin .
12 The offline workload is broken down by Offline into 15 minute portions ie. it will estimate what can be achieved in 15 minutes and then carry out that activity before assessing whether time permits any further work to be achieved .
13 Distribution is broken down by region : —
14 In others , such as the strongyloids , it is large , and opens into a buccal capsule , which may contain teeth ; such parasites , when feeding , draw a plug of mucosa into the buccal capsule ( Fig.3 ) , where it is broken down by the action of enzymes which are secreted into the capsule from adjacent glands .
15 In the process of hatching , the inner impermeable shell membrane is broken down by enzymes secreted by the larva and by its own movement .
16 Therefore , in looking at this diagram , one needs to realize that to the southwest er and just east of er Strensall erm the area is filled up by greenbelt .
17 The couple 's recent past is filled in by a series of ‘ flash-ins ’ , influenced by the French nouvelle vague .
18 In backing a Petrakov plan , Mr Gorbachev risks popular unrest as well as revolt within the Communist party ( and perhaps the resignation of his prime minister , Mr Nikolai Ryzhkov , if economic policy is rammed through by decree rather than through his government ) .
19 The stage is tilted and is propped up by the coffins of Inquisition victims .
20 and the pelmet is propped up by the bookcase .
21 During a typical marathon , your fatty tissue is whittled down by almost six ounces , your liver and leg muscles cough up about 11 ounces of carbohydrate , and — if you do n't drink properly during the race — your body can lose about 100 ounces of water .
22 As the body tension is eased out by working out the body , muscles relax and a good sleep induced .
23 Its lemon fragrance is given off by the leaves without the need to rub them , unlike lemon balm and , even when dried , continue to be pungently scented for years , so that they constitute an excellent ingredient for potpourris .
24 As is pointed out by Clark , ‘ there is no doubt that writing long courses is time consuming ’ and the participation of the librarian ‘ should be confined to teaching library skills ’ , leaving the programmer and educational technologist to work out the coding of the material .
25 But , in pursuit of joint oversight responsibilities for these facilities in Wales , did the Secretary of State for Wales plead with that Department on the ground of regional policy alone as is pointed out by the Hon. Member for Vale of Glamorgan ( Sir R. Gower ) , who is sadly absent today , in his early day motion that it makes no sense to move hi-tech jobs in Government research and development from an area such as south Wales to an overheated area in the south-east of England ?
26 The system consists of two parts : a transmitter which is plugged into the main audio system and a receiver which is carried around by the person .
27 And it would seem that in this matter of dispersals the book ‘ trade ’ is a more honourable calling than the so-called library ‘ profession ’ , at least as it is carried on by its present avant garde .
28 Day-to-day banking business in Yugoslavia is carried on by ‘ basic ’ banks , of which there are about 170 .
29 The widest definition of the Crown in the cases is that of Lord Diplock in Town Investments Ltd. v. Department of Environment who said of the term that it is ‘ appropriate to embrace both collectively and individually all the Ministers of the Crown and parliamentary secretaries under whose direction the administrative work of government is carried on by civil servants in the various government departments ’ .
30 Thus , despite the formalization of a system of state subsidy with the foundation of the University Grants Committee , any fears that university autonomy might be lessened were considerably allayed by the known attitude of the President of the Board of Education , H. A. L. Fisher , enshrined in his dictum : " The state is , in my opinion , not competent to direct the work of education and disinterested research which is carried on by the universities . "
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