Example sentences of "is [det] than the " in BNC.

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1 He is more than the greatest of stroke-players and he was patient enough to take advantage of Robertson 's flagging energy and win 12-15 , 9-15 , 15-5 , 15-12 , 15-8 .
2 THE AUDEN GENERATION by Samuel Hynes Pimlico , £12 THIS literary history of England in the Thirties ( a decade often looked back upon nostalgically as the most recent time when literary giants still stalked the land ) is more than the usual glib account of the rise to fame of that precocious composite poet MacSpaunday .
3 The World Health Organisation 's viewpoint is that health is more than the absence of disease or infirmity .
4 Sickness may be the absence of health , but health is more than the absence of sickness , so prevention is better than cure .
5 In sex the body is central , and although in the end it is more than the body that is loved , the body is the beginning and fat women just can not get started .
6 That is more than the extra CPP depreciation .
7 More crimes are committed with illustrated books , especially in certain categories , than with any others , owing to the operations of the ‘ breaker ’ , the dealer ( and sometimes , regrettably , the collector ) who will ruthlessly destroy a perfectly good book because the total value of the separate plates or maps , sold individually , is more than the intact volume would ordinarily be .
8 The Church is more than the herald announcing the message , it is a demonstration model which gives credence to the effectiveness of that message .
9 Religion therefore is more than just a personal affair and its influence in society is more than the sum of its influences on individuals .
10 Yet , sex is more than the act of sexual intercourse and penal penetration .
11 When the nuclei of light elements join together or ‘ fuse ’ , energy is released ; what is more , the amount is more than the energy needed to push these nuclei into one another overcoming the electrical repulsion , so if we could accomplish this efficiently we would have a plentiful and dean supply of energy .
12 Schools where the staff are aligned with a practical philosophy which is more than the usual ‘ whole person ’ rhetoric do exist , but to find your way , as a teacher , to the one that suits is , in these egalitarian and bureaucratic days , often a hit and miss affair .
13 The special and attractive character of the Ortiz collection is that it is not just an assemblage of objects but the coherent vision of a man who believes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that the collector is as creative as the artist .
14 Here is more than the chance to do a bit of direct selling or attract further commissions ; there should be the desire to communicate and work with others .
15 If the D6 roll is more than the distance you have veered away then the Doom Diver has over compensated and the template is moved over and beyond the target the full distance roll .
16 If the model armed with a Man Catcher hits his opponent roll a D6 : if the score is more than the target 's toughness he is caught and killed automatically , regardless of the number of wounds he has or armour .
17 When a car drives slowly into her taxi , stationary at a traffic-clogged crossroads , it is more than the stupid accident it would be in London , New York or Sydney .
18 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
19 The ‘ necessity ’ sought was not that of Newton 's grand mechanical scheme of iron laws and inescapable forces but was strong enough to sustain the thought that the international system is more than the constant and regular behaviour of its parts .
20 The creation of a new county palatine was indeed a grand gesture , and a notably archaic one , but on examination the gesture is more than the substance .
21 According to Paasi , therefore , a region is an institutionalized division of space , and is more than the myriad individual places which come and go in the lives of their creators .
22 This is because the detective here is more than the observer that the Great Detective in essence was .
23 Javed at the crease is more than the uncomplicated warrior , laying about him with pride .
24 There is the sense here that reason is more than the sum of its parts , and that the serious pursuit of truth can , over time , generate a way of looking at the world and an approach to forming judgements on it that stands over and above any particular truths that may be assimilated on the way .
25 But , as we have seen , there is more than the student 's gaining a relativize sense of the knowledge encountered on a course .
26 The cost of credit … is more than the borrower can afford .
27 And it 's preferable to have a golf course rather than agricultural land which might be heavily dosed with chemicals six times a year , which is more than the average course . ’
28 You will get no help if your assessed contribution towards the cost as shown on certificate AG 3 is more than the value of the voucher you were given .
29 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
30 In one day last week customers ate more than 8,000 pounds-worth of grub — which is more than the takings at the original Harry Ramsden 's restaurant in Guiseley last Bank Holiday .
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