Example sentences of "is [vb pp] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That comes automatically , together with iced water , before Peggy Sue begins interrogating you , and is replenished so often and so generously that you make a note to speak harshly to the next British rip-off artist who rushes you 80p for a niggardly Nescafe .
2 Yet it is she whom Abraham hands over to Sarah to do with as she pleases , and who is treated so cruelly by her mistress that she is forced to escape into the sands .
3 To understand why the trajectory is altered so greatly , one must understand that the aerodynamics of the golf ball 's flight are based on the dimples or depressions .
4 Resistance , other than to the organocholorines , is confined so far to only five important malaria vectors so the potential for chemical control still exists in many parts of the world It is very easy to advocate the use of alternatives to these chemicals but if you examine those for vector control in detail you will find that most are directed against the aquatic stages of the mosquito and few cases of adequate malaria control by such an attack on any significant scale can be cited .
5 In Jordan v. Burgoyne Lord Parker C.J. made the point that the expressions ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ are all ‘ very strong words , ’ and Lord Reid in Brutus v. Cozens repeated the warning against too expansive a reading of the section , observing that ‘ vigorous and it may be distasteful or unmannerly speech or behaviour is permitted so long as it does not go beyond any of these limits . ’
6 The blue component of incoming solar radiation is scattered so severely that it appears to our eyes to be coming from the entire sky .
7 No , the two pro , the thing that the two prongs sit in is cracked so naturally say it had to go into a hole that size , right ?
8 All this is said so nonchalantly , with so much gazing across the water and into the cloudy sky , that a spectator might be convinced we really did bump into each other in our lunch break .
9 With an infinite adjustment depth of cutting control mounted on the front of the machine , coupled to the TCT mini blades , the power to produce 3200 cuts per minute and a non-marking die-cast aluminium base , all mean accuracy , and that a professional finish is made so much easier .
10 Finally , after a long time , the bar is pushed so far inland that the marsh is completely eroded and the remains of the bar with associated sand dunes appear on the original coastline ( Fig. 8.18E ) .
11 Superfluidity is something which is seen so far in two liquids .
12 Searle glosses Foucault 's comment by saying , ‘ The text is written so obscurely that you ca n't figure out exactly what the thesis is ( hence ‘ obscurantisme ’ ) and then when one criticizes it , the author says , ‘ Vous m'avez mal compris ; vous êtes idiot ' ’ ( hence ‘ Terroriste ’ ) . ’
13 Deer can be hunted , for example , whatever the reason , and nothing wrong is done so long as they are not overhunted .
14 These are some of the reasons why the idea of God is copied so readily by successive generations of individual brains .
15 The show is advanced so sluggishly and episodically that , apart from first and last reels , there could be a mix-up in reels without much comment . ’
16 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
17 However , it may also be that if the clause is drawn so widely as to be capable of applying in unreasonable circumstances , or if it purports to exclude a liability which can not be excluded under the Act , the court may find it unreasonable to apply it to other circumstances ( see Walker v Boyle [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 634 ) .
18 TNO vice-president Arthur Rörsch says that the government is pleased that the centre is valued so highly but that , ‘ against a background of budget cuts , with health budgets particularly under fire , it is not really easy to be optimistic ’ .
19 It remains something of a surprise that at a time when conserving species diversity is valued so highly , so little priority is given to listing the basics of what species there are to be conserved or lost .
20 It represents a major synthesis in what has become an increasingly complex field and , because the approach is founded so solidly on comparative nutrition , should be of interest to biologists who work on wild and domesticated herbivores .
21 Ultimately ( figure ix ) after even further repeated use , the base-line stating position is shifted so far towards a depressed state that even the trusted substances and behaviour of addiction can not restore the mood to its original starting position from before they were ever used .
22 But there is all the difference in the world between people created as equal before God , having equal access to the law , and the way in which equality is used so frequently today : not as equality of opportunity but as equality of outcome .
23 It is possible to study electromagnetic theory without ever mentioning the word electron , but since it has become such a household word and is used so often we can just as well make use of it .
24 The word ‘ sweet ’ is used so often throughout the scene that it loses all worth , in the same way that a Chaucerian epithet such as ‘ fresshe ’ comes to mean almost the opposite when continually applied to January 's wife May in The Merchant 's Tale .
25 In use , the pack is held on to the tool by a single metal strap , but the pack is recessed so far into the machine that this was perfectly stable .
26 I think also in those very tough times ahead I think it 's a very difficult decisions to be made about what services are provided erm , and what operation people are actually going to be able to have done and I wonder how much local people are gon na have a chance to say anything about that in the situation in which their health service their health authority is based so far away .
27 The terrified farmboy , Thomas , miserably seasick but comforted by being set to tend sheep , calves and poultry in the depths of the ship , is protected so far as it is possible by the sturdy Jesse , but both are subject to the appalling cruelty of the captain , Daniel Swift .
28 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
29 Erich Thomsen says that his ‘ 1988 visit is remembered so fondly ’ and the staff at Ravenglass will be doing their best to make sure that this is another memorable weekend .
30 I can not live without you , and sine the thing is gone so far I will not !
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