Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Kim , 1981 ) It is exactly unlike any theory which does somehow locate nomic connection in the mental order , whether or not it then relocates it elsewhere , and thus is properly labelled Idealist .
2 The researches of Frances Yates into the relationship between science and what is loosely called magic at the end of the 16th century are enlightening .
3 This work has shed much new light not only on chronology , and therefore on the development of Bach 's style , but also on performance practice and what is loosely termed reception history .
4 However , assistance is at hand in section 7 , to which section 4 is expressly made subject .
5 In the first the press is expressly refused permission to print the name of the raped woman .
6 Language : Portuguese ( Crioulo is locally spoken form ) .
7 Much of it is intensively managed grassland carrying a heavy stocking of dairy cattle .
8 The public may be assured that he has been very frequently engaged in what is gently termed gallantry and intrigue ; but yet these ( give me leave to call them capital crimes ) are not in the least considered in him as deserving of censure .
9 This is all taken care of on camcorders .
10 Cos pop art is basically taken stuff out of popular medium
11 I do n't actually really believe at the end of the day that that is something you that is rightly called business .
12 Yet as the responsibilities of public life invade Hal 's apprenticeship to pleasure , the distinction — prose with Falstaff/verse without him — breaks down , as we see when he addresses his fat friend in verse to urge him to the wars ( III.iii.199ff. ) , a change of tone so marked that Shakespeare makes Falstaff reply in a couplet — as Milton Crane noted , Falstaff is only given verse for mockery .
13 The wind or Spirit of the Lord is indeed power , but it is morally defined power , designed to communicate the will of God and bring his creation into conformity with it .
14 People are always complaining that they do not have enough work space/dumping space , but it may well be what they really need is better organized storage .
15 This subject is broadly termed continuum mechanics and is an academic discipline in its own right .
16 In spite of my enthusiasm and my growing sense of self-importance , one con keeps cropping up and is finally given life by a fellow banker from Chase Manhattan , whom I sit next to on the flight into Kuala Lumpur .
17 And finally what we 're also going to be talking about today is online distributed database management systems as we move towards enterprise-wide client server which we 'll talk about in a lot more depth in the following presentations .
18 Such an environment of interconnected multimedia elements is generally called hypermedia to distinguish it from hypertext .
19 He is generally fed microfeed with sugar beet , and he loves carrots and sugar , but he detests his feed being mixed .
20 The results tabulated here show that , for low packing densities , the most effective technique is generally chained overflow .
21 The policy for science and technology has been developed in tandem with the new Labour government 's economic and industrial policies and is generally considered part of any plans for national recovery and reconstruction .
22 Apart from the notion of transition outlined above , and unlike the Hallidayan approach , where the verb is generally considered part of the rheme , FSP theory assigns thematic or rhematic status to the verb depending on the context and the semantics of the verb itself .
23 In 1986 the Eurotunnel prospectus was published and some of £206m of private money raised in what is generally termed Equity II , Equity I consisting of an earlier placement of £57m by the founder shareholders of Eurotunnel .
24 The emancipation of the poor and oppressed is thus made part of a civilizing process , which is often seen to be conditional on assimilating their demands to the discourses of humanism and rationalism .
25 One-way streets expose larger numbers of people to higher levels of noise and pollution from more dangerous traffic ; there is thus decreased emphasis on their use in new schemes and conversion of existing one-way streets to two-way operation .
26 When approached by a predator , the tail attracts all the attention and is more likely to be attacked — the vulnerable head is thus spared damage .
27 The final problem , that of disposing of the young , is easily taken care of in the case of Angels ; friends , clubmates , and dealers are usually keen to acquire good Angels .
28 The key point remains , however : research is seldom driven by curricular considerations , but is normally given direction by an interest structure based on academic careers and the public use of knowledge .
29 This plutonium has a high proportion of plutonium 239 isotope and is normally considered weapons-grade .
30 The upgrade is normally taken care of by the Upgrade Centre itself , but Mike Murphy , MD at the centre , told Practical PC that he 's quite happy for a dealer to do the upgrade for a client , by acting as a sort of middle man .
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