Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is blatantly obvious here that Mitch has been taken in by Blanche 's deception .
2 All cool elegance and effortless authority , Washington gives a charismatic star performance and the soundtrack , combining imposingly lush orchestrations with soaring trumpet and sax solos , is uniformly excellent too .
3 While a feminist linguistics will probably want to make strategic use of all these responses , it is this last one , in my opinion , that is most radical theoretically , and most resistant to the danger that research into male/female differences will be co-opted to serve the existing sexist system .
4 However , what is most apparent generally in the provisions described is that deaf children are unable to interact , do not contribute to class lessons through speech , are subjected to distorted and exaggerated mouthings by teachers and pupils in order to convey specific information ( i.e. not natural language interaction ) and are unlikely to have secure peer group friendships .
5 On the contrary , their fight for survival in post-war years was even grimmer than the trenches — and this is most eloquent indeed , for tens of thousands died terribly within and around those rat-infested mud-holes of Hell and Damnation .
6 For severe exercise , the best part of the day is late afternoon , because the body is most efficient then and you will be able to push yourself harder .
7 Poverty-stricken as the Church is today in many things , she is most stricken here , in the place of prayer .
8 It is most odd indeed how objects disappear in rooms wherein the only moveable entity is oneself . ’
9 For consonant phonemes , quantification throughout the phonemic range is of course impossible , since the potential for variation in consonants differs according to the position of the segment within the word or morpheme , but it is the difficulty with vowel variables that is most significant here .
10 But it is most evident whenever a teacher has developed a real interest in some school subject or area of the curriculum , often the result of some form of limited subject specialisation by the teacher .
11 What is most noteworthy here is that at every stage after the first the exhaustive ballot enables voters to vote knowledgeably .
12 The reason why caterwauling is associated with rutting is because it is most common then , the scent of the female on heat attracting males from far and wide and bringing them uncomfortably close together , so that they feel unusually inclined to vent their feelings of hostility towards one another .
13 He attacks oralism as an additional depriving agent since it insists on having no further stimulation other than speech , when it is the language stimulation which is most important not the modality of stimulation .
14 The research is a learning process and is most productive precisely when it changes prior views and expectations .
15 You 've had your heart attack , you 've been out of action for three months and yet , when you talk to people , when the pollsters go out with their clipboards , they say , Who do you think is most likely apart from the Prime Minister , to lead the Tory party ?
16 However this by definition means only accepting candidates exactly the same length , which we have already established is most likely not going to be possible , so allowing candidates with the same reduced zonal coding is more realistic ( eg. for code ‘ muuu ’ all candidates will , rill , roll , wool , awl , oval and oral would be kept ) .
17 It is certainly not stocked by any of the main homoeopathic suppliers in this country and I can assume therefore that it is most likely not homoeopathic but a herbal product — unless it has been imported from abroad , possibly Europe .
18 Where we are , he is most likely not to be .
19 As this model stands it is rather cumbersome even with the simplifying assumption of a constant required rate of return .
20 My memory of the occasion is rather vague otherwise perhaps it was obliterated by the fear I felt .
21 Although this technique is rather dubious mathematically , it does seem to work in practice , and has been used with these theories to make predictions that agree with observations to an extraordinary degree of accuracy .
22 ‘ It 's generally agreed that , given the constraints imposed by its function and the site , the power station is rather successful architecturally . ’
23 Lifting the hatch is rather tricky even for me . ’
24 Pleasantries are exchanged ; seemingly all is well ; however , the quality of oranges is rather poor today , and nectarines will have to be issued in lieu !
25 It is rather difficult accurately to describe the idiosyncratic monument by Maximilian Colt at St Peter 's , Edensor , in Derbyshire to the First Earl of Devonshire ( d.1625 ) and his brother , Henry Cavendish ( d.1616 ) — perhaps the closest parallel would be a marble armoire with dressing-table in front , the whole flanked by two fearsome martial figures .
26 It is a thick worm , pinkish when fresh , and the cuticle is rather transparent so that the internal organs can be seen .
27 The thickness quoted for the door is rather thin especially relative to its size — 45mm ( 1¾in ) is preferable .
28 But because the weight of explanation is preponderantly biological rather than cultural or social , it may be that women 's moral perspective will continue to be one which reflects a distinctive range of values .
29 But it is conspicuously absent so far .
30 The conclusions drawn on the sensitivity of the enzymes towards different structural changes in the tRNA is presumably valid also in the homologous situation and opens the possibility for more specific tests in yeast , for which no complete system yet is available .
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