Example sentences of "is [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An alternative approach to reducing phenylalanine accumulation is oral treatment with the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase .
2 There is PCB-burning capacity in Sweden , Finland , Germany and France , of which only the last is , like Britain , prepared to import such waste .
3 In Indomalesia , there is concentrated interest in fewer than 100 species with exports of 12 or so .
4 The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord .
5 How reliable is monetary policy in controlling monetary variables ?
6 Now it did n't mean that you build his war machine , but the Kuwaiti people being so close , or actually bordering , we helped the economy of Baghdad , we helped the economy of the Iraq , and we contributed thirteen billion dollars , just the government alone , to their economy and the people of Kuwait also helped with their own private donation to help the schools , the hospitals , the food , whatever they needed , and the country of Kuwait was erm trying to be , as my friend said , as neutral as possible because there is Irani interest in Kuwait , very great through trade , through Iranis who work in Kuwait , so we had a very difficult position with respect to keeping both parties erm sort of in sight , not lose sight of them from our humanistic point of view , but it was erm difficult to avoid being on the side of the Iraqui , mainly because they 're neighbours and they 're Arabs , and you 're part of the league of Arab states , so you ca n't draw the line and say the government was pro or against , but that was the atmosphere which we were leaving .
7 Despite considerable urban development , particularly on the coast , most of this plain is agricultural land of the highest quality and intensively cultivated .
8 In peace-time the selection ratio , the ratio of applicants to available jobs is a key feature , there tends to be more testing in times of economic depression when jobs are scarce and also in post-war periods when there is extensive experience of using tests .
9 Of course , there is extensive dislocation at headquarters , but our branches will be functioning as normal .
10 In other words , there is extensive support in Britain and many other western states for government welfare and economic programmes which help the ‘ deserving ’ poor , and are also thought to be credible and realistic .
11 However , while there is extensive evidence of assortative mating ( O'Donald , 1980 ) , of the importance of plumage characteristics in courtship ( Williams , 1982 ) and of female preference for males who can defend superior breeding territories ( Pleszczynska , 1978 ) only very recently has it been demonstrated that consistent female choice for any continuous morphological character in males is an important source of variation in male reproductive success .
12 On the other hand , there is extensive evidence for specific factors which can control the pathways of differentiation .
13 There is extensive areas of woodland , many commercial plantations which can become the starting point for accommodating the new village .
14 Specifically , it seems plausible that if there is extensive competition in the market , relatively inefficient firms will be forced out .
15 Patrick Green , the environment group 's radiation consultant , says : ‘ There is extensive contamination along 6 kilometres of the River Esk in Cumbria , which is not discussed in official reports published by the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
16 To the north and east of the village there is extensive meadowland along the river Yeo , with no earthworks except drainage ditches .
17 Less evident , however , is extensive consciousness of its essentially political nature , involving conflict over control of scarce resources between North and South , that is between affluent and less developed regions of the world .
18 Geriatric units are particularly vulnerable because treatment of UTIs tends to be long term and there is extensive use of indwelling urinary tract catheters .
19 Long-firm frauds are to be found in most western countries , and are liable to occur wherever there is extensive use of credit in business transactions .
20 What is anatomical basis of this orientation selectivity ? ( personal communication ) suggests an answer which is reminiscent of that proposed by to account for the ability of octopuses to recognize spatial patterns .
21 The Hungarian government is inviting tenders for a project to computerise the social security system .
22 The Hungarian government is inviting tenders for a project to computerise the social security system .
23 The South African government is inviting tenders for two cellular telephone licences it plans to award , with a mid-June deadline for applications : the successful bidders will have to pay the government about $33m upfront for the licence and 5% of turnover in annual licence fees , the Financial Times reports ; Cable & Wireless is expected to bid for one of the licences in partnership with the local M-Net pay television station .
24 Turkey 's state-owned Posts , Telegraphs & Telephone Administration is inviting rebids for the contract to set up a Groupe Speciale Mobile digital cellular system : bids had already been received to set up the system on a revenue-sharing basis , but the tender was withdrawn after the PTT decided to set up the system on a concession basis instead .
25 The Scottish Enterprise Foundation , a consortium of companies and public bodies formed last November to encourage new business in Scotland , is inviting students with bright ideas to submit them to a panel of entrepreneurs and experts .
26 The British Architectural Library is inviting nominations for the annual Sir Bannister Fletcher Awards of the Authors ' Club for the best book published on architecture or the fine arts during 1991 .
27 The molecular Spectroscopy Group is inviting applications for the 1992 Harry Willis prize for analytical spectroscopy .
28 One is Israeli withdrawal from ‘ territories [ not , deliberately , the territories ] occupied in the recent conflict ’ .
29 In those circumstances whether the accused is dishonest falls outwith s.2(1) but within the principles discussed below .
30 As well as defending her Redcar seat , Dr Mowlam is Labour spokesperson on city and corporate affairs necessitating much shuttling between Cleveland and London .
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