Example sentences of "is [adv] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's higher than the one I had because erm the base is obviously I just had the springs going across did n't I ?
2 So our National Anthem is not ours alone , it 's been borrowed , stolen , used by a number of other people .
3 And since each book here can be traced to those whose decision it was to discard , it is important to emphasise that no personal blame is implied , and that the responsibility for what occurred is not his necessarily , but of those who employed him .
4 and have a decent life to get a first or either a two one in economics you have got to read a very great deal , you 've got to be a reader , a student a taker of notes , a writer of essays and we said that is not you so within two
5 Now the reason I ask you these questions , of course , is not you personally , but the Tourist Board is responsible for a grading scheme which is available for us , the consumers , to help us pick the right hotel for our needs .
6 Is not it right that all children should have access to the latest technology , irrespective of where they live or the poverty of their parents ?
7 Is not it right that that departure should be put to the people ?
8 When other Community Governments are prepared to extend those rights to their people , is not it completely wrong for the British Government to refuse to do the same for the British people ?
9 Is not it also true that , next year , its further development will be restricted to three more blocks , whereas there are 170 tower blocks in Glasgow in which it has not yet been developed ?
10 Is not it also a fact that pupils in the worst authorities , run by Labour , have the worst GCSE English and maths results ?
11 Is not it also true that the Prime Minister claimed that he was concerned about third-world debt ?
12 Is not it also a fact that the unemployed are generally on useless training schemes and that , therefore , unemployment and the slump are far more massive than the Government care to admit ?
13 Is not it particularly typical of the tacky conduct of the Home Secretary in every office that he has held ?
14 Is not it clear from those figures and from many others that it takes a Conservative Government to deliver the goods to NHS patients and that all the Opposition have to offer are promises which more often than not prove false ?
15 Is not it clear from those figures that the unique disadvantage suffered by the people of Britain is that they have this Government with the right hon. Gentleman 's policies , which depend on putting people out of work ?
16 is not it clear that Government policies on manufacturing industry have been little short of disastrous ?
17 Is not it patently clear that the Conservative party and the Minister have no understanding whatever of what unemployment means to the unemployed , their families and communities ?
18 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
19 Is not it really the case that the Government do not care about training , that we have a disastrous training record and that it is high time that we had a Labour Government to tackle the problems ?
20 Is not it now time that the Minister acted to solve the problems of high-rise blocks ?
21 Is not it now time that the hon. Member for Peckham ( Ms. Harman ) apologised to the House for saying that GPs were not interested in fund holding ?
22 Is not it now obvious that Majorism is not working ?
23 Is not it now time that the Minister decided that the standing charges , which are an unacceptable imposition , particularly on the elderly , should be abolished ?
24 Is not it now incumbent on all decent men and women in both our countries to sink their party differences and concentrate on destroying this evil ?
25 Is not it more sensible to say that we have responsible people out there with whom we have developed partnerships ?
26 Is not it about time that we had some more positive policies ?
27 Is not it about time for the Government to move responsibility for ferry safety away from the Department of Transport to a separate , independent body so that we can be fully assured about all aspects of ferry safety , including crewing levels ?
28 Is not it about time that the Government stopped this practice of recruiting and exploiting young people who are deemed not old enough to cast a vote but in some cases are being forced to continue in the Army and can be put into armed combat , as they were during the Gulf war ?
29 rise in traffic demand , is not it about time that his Department stopped being a Department only for roads and instead sought to introduce a proper , integrated transport system that takes real account of environmental considerations ?
30 Is not it about time that the Government recognised that the only cure for unemployment is to get rid of the Conservative Government as soon as possible ?
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