Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] again " in BNC.

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1 He is thus able again to provide firsthand information , this time on the convoluted debates within that important body .
2 And a letter from your Great Aunt Emily to say she is not well again .
3 That juries and courts should appear to be taking an increasingly lenient view of these acts of retribution is more disturbing again .
4 But the regulation of sexual behaviour also became a way of policing the population at large , and this combination of factors is clearly manifest again in the social morality crusades of the nineteenth century .
5 Paul Mason is also available again and , on a ground where they 've come to grief in the past , Aberdeen have been reminded by Willie Miller that only their best will be good enough against St Johnstone .
6 Major alterations in the seventeenth and eighteenth-centuries covered up the marble and we have to be grateful to renovations in 1904 for the fact that it is now visible again .
7 Although Surrey 's Alec Stewart is an obvious candidate , Lancashire 's Michael Atherton , who was the unofficial holder of the post last summer , is now fit again .
8 Another major cause of the Darmstadt , Germany-based company 's success , Graham believes , is that it is now privately-owned again — or more precisely , its shares are held in a trust , set up by the founders .
9 I do hope your aunt is n't ill again , I quite expected to find her up , her card , you know , her card indicated she was ready for callers again . ’
10 Eastleigh is quite high again .
11 GAME show host Leslie Crowther is fully conscious again , five weeks after the car crash that put him in a coma .
12 Royal Gait , the first novice to win the Champion since 1956 , was rested after Cheltenham when he was found to have aggravated a splint in his near-fore but he is fully fit again .
13 Strasbourg 's talented winger is fully fit again and desperate to play … but we all know that Hughes and Black just do n't blend on the same team .
14 The atmosphere really is very good again . ’
15 Assuming a fair wind on major infrastructure , access , and drainage , it is unlikely that a new settlement would be producing a significant group of housings until somewhere around , at the very best , end ninety six into the of ninety seven period , in that context , what is happening in that short intervening period , assuming certain planning guidance comes forward to help that intervening period , and will that new settlement actually be built out prior to two prior to two thousand and six , will the fourteen hundred dwellings be built in that period , question mark , probably not , it will lap over , therefore in that context of a gap at the beginning , and a potential overlap at the end , it is very important again to revisit the peripheral land issue .
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