Example sentences of "is [verb] at high " in BNC.

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1 The two types of mirror look much the same after being buried for centuries , but when the microstructure is examined at high magnification , as in Figures 5.15e and f , it is possible to distinguish between tinned bronze and the high-tin alloy .
2 ‘ It is a drug used in medicine since 1935 and its serious side-effects are rare even when it is prescribed at high concentrations for long periods .
3 VHS hi-fi stereo sound , unlike VHS mono , is encoded at high speed along with the picture signals in the same way as Video 8 hi-fi , and hence has the same high standard of audio quality .
4 The centrifuge is operated at high speeds to transport the polymer molecules through the solvent to the cell bottom if the solvent density is less than the polymer , or to the top ( flotation ) if the reverse is true .
5 A large supply voltage and phase resistance are only required when the motor is operating at high speeds .
6 The drive circuit requirements are now clarified : a large supply voltage is needed at high speeds , but the phase current at low speeds must be limited without the power wastage associated with the simple series resistance method of current-limiting .
7 Propane alone requires stronger , and therefore heavier , containers as it is stored at higher pressure .
8 But when the cross-section is viewed at high magnification , it becomes clear that different plating methods have been used .
9 In this process particulate hydroxyapatite is projected at high velocity through a high temperature plasma flame ( ca 10 000°C ) .
10 He expresses the view that strikes will be fewer in number where collective bargaining is conducted at higher levels and more numerous where there is plant bargaining , largely because , in the latter case , since all workers within an industry or region need not be brought out , strikes can be called at much less cost to the membership as a whole .
11 Because CFTR messenger RNA is expressed at high levels in human and rodent intestinal crypts r14–16 , mouse intestinal sections were used as controls to demonstrate probe specificity .
12 Nitrogen dioxide , a reddish-brown and highly reactive gas , is mainly produced in the atmosphere from the oxidation of nitric oxide formed when fuel is burned at high temperatures .
13 If the motor is to operate at higher speeds the static torque/rotor position characteristics are no longer a reliable guide , because they do not account for distortion of the current waveform due to the winding time constant and motional voltage .
14 [ 5.1 5(a) ] , is proportional to the total phase resistance ( R ) , so if a motor is to operate at high speeds its drive circuit must include large forcing resistances .
15 [ 5.1 5(a) ] and [ 5.15(b) ] a low value of H improves the effective speed range of the motor , so if the motor is to operate at high speeds its permanent .
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