Example sentences of "is [verb] with some " in BNC.

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1 Although the last allegation is regarded with some scepticism by royal watchers , their speculation is heightened because the royal couple have barely been seen to exchange words or glances so far in the tour , even though they have been smiling and cheerful to those they have met .
2 The old man is walking with some woman and one of those red dogs from the cigarette commercials .
3 And I think that the alternative of the new settlement is by far the best solution , provided it is mixed with some peripheral development , one ca n't go into a position where there is all peripheral development or all new settlement , it has to be in perfect balance , because some needs can not of course be met by the new settlement .
4 The model is presented with some pride to the class .
5 Although publicly scathing about the student left and the anti-Vietnam movement , Healy none the less cultivated a discussion circle of London writers , actors and television producers , it is said with some charm and intellectual force , which was to presage his fixation with Equity , the actors ' Union which increasingly provided personnel and finance for the ERP .
6 It would seem unlikely before the Hadrianic period at the earliest , if comparison is made with some other northern sites such as Aldborough ; it might be thought to be more likely under Severus or Caracalla , when the whole northern frontier region was extensively reorganized .
7 The anti-dog programme is meeting with some encouraging success , using poisoned bait which is hidden under dark ledges .
8 Farnborough 1990 is featured with some interesting in flight cockpit shots of Su-27 and MiG-29 , plus the Russian aircraft that dominated the 1990 show , the Antonov An-225 .
9 This article is written with some knowledge , experience and appreciation of the commitment , the personal costs and the professional risks involved for those engaged in the struggle to reform school curricula , teacher education and other spheres and practices .
10 Grid Control is equipped with some of the most modern computer systems in the world .
11 It is supplied with some stories on the disk that could be used by age 4 and upwards .
12 Some data points do plot below the zone and this is attributed with some confidence to poor reliability of measurement in these few particular wells .
13 If a child is born with some degree of mental impairment and has parents able to handle the situation calmly , without undue guilt or anxiety , creating a relaxed home atmosphere , encouraging the child 's full development however slow it is , making use of the best educational facilities available and providing a stable , reassuring , affectionate home , then such a child might well not be severely handicapped by the disability , but grow up relatively independent , sociable and self-confident .
14 Water conditions will fall into the compatibility range of all the fish so far , and you should have no problems keeping any one of these attractive eels , the only requirement being that it is provided with some small tubing to hide in .
15 Father Rafferty is pictured with some of the children and group leaders and parishioners Lorraine Newcombe and Kath Kipling .
16 Ian Guthrie , proprietor of Ilkley 's Rombalds Hotel , is pictured with some of his well-trained staff after being pronounced as Investor in People , the first independent catering business to do so .
17 Masters of Hospitality — Ian Guthrie ( back ) is pictured with some of his well-trained staff of the Rombalds Hotel .
18 As a matter of general law , apart from the statutory provisions and the Law Society 's regulations , the firm 's name must not be such as to deceive the general public into believing that it is dealing with some rival firm .
19 The law recognises degrees of homicide other than murder and is observed with some nicety on the matter of recklessness or assault with intent to cause bodily harm .
20 A more frequent way of theme continuation is to repeat with some change — not the slight degree of change we have shown above , but the alteration of part of the theme to present even greater interest : In this example , the second four bars have added interest as a result of various factors : larger leaps , higher notes , syncopation , modulation , increase in overall span , etc .
21 It is viewed with some suspicion by staff anxious about the standards of care provided , but there is undoubtedly an advantage to clients , who are able to be cared for in more homely environments rather than long stay wards .
22 Local government is associated with some of these services through a system of regional boards .
23 It is estimated with some reliability that one in five of those aged 85 and over now suffer from dementia ( Norman 1987a : 2 ) .
24 If during the period of habituation the touch of the glass rod is coupled with some other stimulus — say a bright light — the original response at once returns in full , so it can not be merely because of exhaustion that it disappeared in the first place .
25 Firms in the UK have been able to repurchase their shares since the 1981 Companies Act , provided that shareholders are willing to sell and that the firm is left with some issue of share capital following the repurchase .
26 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
27 Readers can determine whether or not any extra suppression is required with some simple usage tests , as it may not be necessary to go to the added expense of incorporating any spike suppressors , depending on the characteristics of the light unit used .
28 It is embedded with some of the intelligence but not necessarily the wit of the author !
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