Example sentences of "is [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The best advice is to go in search of some coaching .
2 It is also important that the teacher is quite familiar with the electronic equipment he is using in order to get the best results from his efforts .
3 There could be all the difference in the world between 500 and about 500 , and it 's important to know the margins of tolerance a person is using in order to interpret them .
4 Mrs Garnett , who had the operation on Thursday , is recovering in hospital .
5 The younger boy is recovering in hospital after a kitchen knife was plunged into his chest at his home in Bath , Avon .
6 Two of the main characters are Julian , who is writing a thesis on ‘ neopostdeconstructionism ’ , and Decibel , a voice he hears inside his head when he is recovering in hospital from an accident .
7 An elderly woman who had been missing and feared dead is recovering in hospital after a helicopter search found her .
8 A ten year old boy is recovering in hospital after being savaged by his neighbour 's dog .
9 A sub-postmaster is recovering in hospital after being pistol whipped by a would-be robber .
10 Michael Heseltine is recovering in hospital tonight after suffering a heart attack while on holiday in Italy .
11 His wife was also shot and is recovering in hospital .
12 Coronation Street star Lynne Perrie is recovering in hospital after collapsing from an asthma attack .
13 A TWO-year-old girl is recovering in hospital after a savage attack by her family pet dog .
14 A NINE-YEAR-OLD girl is recovering in hospital after being struck by a car near the North-East coast at the weekend .
15 Motorcyclist Philip Hague , 26 of Langdale Road , Scarborough , is recovering in hospital after the crash .
16 The victim , Bernard Cox is recovering in hospital .
17 Each section of the roof is calculated in turn , which can be quite complicated if the house has a bay or a hipped roof , and allowances made for corners which are near outlets .
18 A week 's pay is calculated in accordance with a series of statutory rules .
19 If the auction process fails — for example because no bids are received — the shares remain in the ownership of the former holder and the dividend is increased to a rate , known as the default rate , which is calculated in accordance with a prescribed formula .
20 Example 4:4 Turnover rent YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days : ( 1 ) the annual sum of £ ( " the basic rent " ) ; and ( 2 ) such sum as is calculated in accordance with the Schedule hereto ( " the turnover rent " ) SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " gross turnover " means the aggregate of all sums : ( i ) received by the tenant in return for goods supplied or services rendered in the course of any trade or business carried on by him in the demised property or partly in the demised property and partly elsewhere ; and ( ii ) payable to the tenant by any person in consideration of the use or occupation of the whole or any part of the demised property ( b ) " a rental year " means a period of twelve calendar months beginning on ( c ) " net turnover " means the gross turnover less : ( i ) any sum actually paid by the tenant to HM Commissioners of Customs and Excise by way of VAT or other tax chargeable on the supply of goods or services ; ( ii ) any sum refunded by the tenant to his customers in respect of defective or unsatisfactory goods or services ; ( iii ) per cent of any sums received by the tenant in return for services for which orders are received at the demised property but are performed wholly elsewhere ( d ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( 2 ) The turnover rent for a rental year shall be : ( a ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ and ( b ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ ( 3 ) Within one month after the beginning of each rental year ( time being of the essence ) the tenant shall deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant of the tenant 's gross turnover and net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year .
21 Where the transfer between husband and wife is one on sale , the fee is calculated in accordance with Scale A , of the 1992 Fee Order on the amount of the consideration .
22 People who become disabled as a result of industrial injury or disease may also claim disablement benefit , which is paid in compensation for the disability itself , and is calculated in relation to the assessed level or percentage of disability suffered as a result of employment .
23 The significance of the data lies in the way that odd nitrogen is partitioned in autumn in the long-lived reservoir of HNO 3 , rather than the temporary reservoir of N 2 O 5 .
24 The bibliography is arranged in period sections , subdivided by subject .
25 Organisations are often quite casual in their approach to the information created and stored on office systems and this is explained in part by their origins .
26 You are obliged to mitigate your losses ; this duty is explained in Chapter 18 .
27 The reason why the original bill was split into two Criminal Justice Acts is explained in Chapter 4 .
28 As is explained in Chapter 5 below , the formalities of issue of eurobonds are somewhat less than with domestic bonds and issues can be arranged more quickly .
29 The mental element or mens rea for this offence is explained in Section 6(4) of the 1986 Act , viz : A person is guilty of an offence under section 5 only if he intends his words or behaviour , or the writing , sign or other visible representation , to be threatening , abusive or insulting , or is aware that it may be threatening , abusive or insulting or ( as the case may be ) he intends his behaviour to be or is aware that it may be disorderly .
30 The use of relative molecular mass ( Mr ) and molar mass ( M ) to calculate the amount of a substance in units of moles is explained in section 4.2 .
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