Example sentences of "is [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Now the idea is catching on in Britain , so Lydia Ascroft says have a bash at massage and look forward to a sexier , slinkier you for the long , hot summer !
2 Yamaha staff will be making a return visit to the region to discover how the Japanese style of music teaching is catching on in the North-East .
3 What is the use of continuing our race if it is to go on in darkness ? ’
4 The objects in Braque 's painting like the Still Life with Fruit Dish ( Moderna Museet , Stockholm ) , which is roughly contemporary with the Compotier , are more faceted , and the whole surface is broken up in terms of the same angular but subtly modulated planes which carry the eye back into a limited depth and then forward again on to the picture plane in a series of gentle declivities and projections .
5 Moser ( 1978 ) typically deals with the way information is broken down in interpretation from sentences and context into meaning , and one can only presume that she proposes a similar process for the reconstruction of the message in the second language .
6 The table top and the bottle provide the main compositional accents , while the remainder of the surface is broken down in secondary vertical and horizontal sections .
7 Even then it should not apply where all that the Purchaser does is to carry on in the ordinary course of the business .
8 Set up under a special government programme in 1989 with funding for three years , it has done so well it is to carry on in a slimmed down form under a new name Tees Valley Conference and Visitor Bureau under the control of the Northumbria Tourist Board .
9 It has been so successful it is to carry on in a slimmed down form , with a new name Tees Valley Conference and Visitor Bureau under the control of the Northumbria Tourist Board .
10 Here she is , my dream woman , and she 's madly in love with some young blond boy whose only ambition is to drive around in a sports car and drink champagne ! ’
11 NCR Corp has finally abandoned the traditional mainframe business , driven out of it by another company that is hanging on in there by its fingernails .
12 This bloke is propped up in the corner of the cab , and blood all over the place .
13 Our red-haired chanteuse is propped up in bed .
14 Jamie is propped up in a neatly made bed on which lie two discarded magazines of which he might have read the covers .
15 Next day John is tucked up in bed at his flat in Tufnell Park .
16 Interest is building up in Waterford Wedgwood , makers of the famous crystal glassware and bone china .
17 But an enormous backlog of untaxed cases of wine is building up in the producers ' warehouses .
18 The undeniable fact is that chlorine is building up in the atmosphere much faster than it can be coped with .
19 There is always a danger of war when you have a face to face confrontation that is building up in the Gulf at the moment .
20 So in terms of equality of access to service , just like I was talking about with elderly people , people with families do n't have an equality of access and what we 're trying to do is build up in those other areas those services .
21 And do you know what , one of them is wading around in the middle of the loch , up to his waist in the water . ’
22 The second CD is given over in the main to what I think of as Mark Goodier bands ( not a breath of criticism implicit in that , by the way ) .
23 We prefer to distribute these on a sessional basis , rather than all together in a book form which is given out in the first session , as individual handouts seem to focus attention on the specific issue under discussion .
24 It consists of a short phrase in the slow introduction to the opening movement , which in the Septet is given out in the major before being echoed in the minor , but which appears both times in the minor in the transcription .
25 As is pointed out in a robust response from Ernst & Young , the code is full of the desired qualitative attributes of boards and directors , but it is short on objective operational criteria .
26 It is pointed out in Washington that the President made a special point of ensuring that Mr Major was the first European leader to meet him in the White House .
27 Fully one-third of the marketable federal debt is rolled over in any year ; half is rolled over every two years .
28 By the end this quartet depart the stage in a halting dance of death and Trevitt is rolled up in a carpet , leaving Bristow alone without partner or diary .
29 Meanwhile , the kite that Lord Hanson has flown is bobbing around in the political and financial winds .
30 The first step , therefore , is to write down in a list all of the data that you are given .
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