Example sentences of "is [verb] [Wh det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the language system is the focus of our study here , we start with the idea of the linguistic variable ( for example the vowel /a/ in such items as cat , bad , have ) , and our first task is to discover what the possible variants of a variable may be : subsequently , the quantitative distribution of linguistic variants may be demonstrated by reference to the familiar speaker-variables of social dialectology , such as age and sex of speaker .
2 The first and foremost step in planning a food facility is to establish what the facility is going to sell , and what type of function is required from the service facility .
3 In The weather is fine , for example , is would normally constitute the transition ( assuming the communicative purpose of the utterance is to state what the weather is like ) .
4 If the bags are full of rotting food , or there is a smell or filth around the place , then more action may need to be taken , but the first priority is establishing what the person concerned feels , before asking ‘ Would it be helpful for someone to come in and give a hand with tidying up ? ’
5 Undoubtedly , the skill of medical care in all specialties is balancing what the patient will accept with what the patient should accept .
6 What we must do is see what the problems are from the owner 's point of view and analyse exactly what is going on .
7 That is to do what the Royal Family has always done supremely well , to meet foreign dignitaries as Britain 's ambassadors .
8 He told BBC 's Six O'Clock News : ‘ The Prime Minister 's job is to do what the people of his country want , not what the leaders of other countries want . ’
9 The right course , so the argument runs , is to do what the Attorney-General would have done but for the reverses suffered in the extradition proceedings , namely to postpone the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. trials until B.M.F.L. is out of the way .
10 Or your last option is to do what the good folk at the training agency have done , which is they claim that the today marker is not erm , sturdy enough , so they superglue the er , the two markers together , to make it thicker .
11 Now to me , and John Prescott 's not even in our union , shame , that man should be is doing what every other G M B member of Parliament should be doing .
12 Who is to determine what the poor in the Third World really do need ?
13 Indeed the closer one focuses attention on the words and how they are made up , the less likely one is to understand what the passage is about .
14 The only way to reach an informed decision is to understand what the menopause entails and exactly how HRT works .
15 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
16 Blake is asked what a sand filter would cost .
17 The hardest task for his subordinates is to decide what the phrase ( now often shortened to NWO and not to be confused with the airline that used to be called Northwest Orient ) might mean .
18 Although it would have been interesting to have known which were Dr. Blair 's books and where the others came from , the important point is to realise what a very wide range of reading was available to the small number of people in this village .
19 Government concern is to develop what the Foreign Office called a mechanism to turn people round more quickly and prevent them from arriving at a destination where they were unwanted .
20 In this case , the chimpanzee is showing what the psychologists would call ‘ insight ’ .
21 The object sought to be achieved in construing any commercial contract is to ascertain what the mutual intentions of the parties were as to the legal obligations each assumed by the contractual words in which they chose to express them ( Pioneer Shipping Ltd v BTP Tioxide Ltd [ 1981 ] 2 All ER 1030 ) .
22 It has also been made clear that where an unmet need is recorded which the department has a legal duty to provide , it could be used as the basis for a legal challenge , although it should still be recorded .
23 The present American tendency is to ask what a country can now do for itself and for the United States , not what it might do in other circumstances , nor yet what it deserves .
24 The simplest dynamical question that can be posed for curved space–time is to ask what the motion of a test body is in free fall , i.e. under gravitational forces alone .
25 Reaction of most people is to say What a lot of money , we do n't get anywhere near that .
26 A starting point is to examine what a liberal-democracy is .
27 Accordingly , the purpose of this book is to examine what the Scriptures , particularly in the fuller light afforded by the New Testament , have to teach about the Holy Spirit , and to relate their message to our own situation .
28 A meeting is held which the teacher attends in role as a railway engineer .
29 Alternatively they may say : ‘ We think the best way to do it is to follow what the local authority have said you are to do ’ . ’
30 Once it is established what the defendant knew , then the inference to be drawn from these primary facts is objective .
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