Example sentences of "is [verb] [conj] these " in BNC.

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1 It is intended that these articles should be in addition to current missionary writing which appears in the magazine each month .
2 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
3 Subject to availability of these resources , it is intended that these unit specifications would be available by June 1990 .
4 When the new system is introduced the caretaking staff will not be amongst those identified as operators and it is intended that these revised hours will assist caretaking staff by freeing them for more appropriate duties .
5 Indeed , this was the very reason that the Departmental Committee on the Treatment of Young Offenders had recommended , in 1927 , the reform of the system : ‘ When it is realised that these courts are specially equipped to help rather than punish the young offender , we hope that the reluctance to bring such children before will disappear . ’
6 No indication of what the final result will look like is given as these codes are added , nor is there a preview capability .
7 Although it is claimed that these cases indicate an impairment in executing symbolic gestures it may in fact be the case that this aspect of their difficulty is secondary to a deficit in dealing with sequences of movements in general , the apparent linguistic defect deriving from this ( Kimura , Battison and Lubert , 1976 ) .
8 Reverend Sawyer is praying that these measures will help fortify the congregation and the the church coffers .
9 Meantime , there was a lot happening just down the street to capture his attention , as troop after troop of soldiers passed through Frome on their way somewhere else : 300 of the Staffordshire Militia came in April of 1799 , replaced by an equal number of the same later in the month ; then the 300-strong Somerset Supplementary Militia arrived from Wells , complete with their own band , followed by the glorious Fifteenth Light Dragoons — ‘ It is supposed that these are the finest men and horses of any regiment in England ’ ; and the next year no fewer than nine hundred men of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons came at one go .
10 Too often it is forgotten that these should be ways of love and concord .
11 It is expected that these qualifications will be available from August 1993 .
12 In Table 8.1 information on sample size , chronological age , sample frame and exclusions is included where these factors are described in the test manual or other publications .
13 It is recommended that these catfish are fed just two or three times a week .
14 It is recommended that these entries be defined by the individual organisation .
15 It is recommended that these facilities are constrained to run while the machine is lightly loaded in order that interactive usage is not impacted ; eg. overnight running .
16 Cigarettes and amphetamines ‘ turn down ’ the thermostat-setpoint mechanism , but weight is regained when these are discontinued .
17 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
18 It is said that these underground beings , djinn , rise in the half light of pre-dawn and in the twilight .
19 If it is accepted that these moves are taking place , and there seems little doubt that they are , the question remains as to what significance they have , and what they imply .
20 In the case of single or dominant firm monopolies while it is accepted that these may behave detrimentally to the public interest at large , few democratic governments have had , or are likely to have , the political will to intervene directly in their operation , particularly where their market positions have been legitimately attained , and their activities are not overtly illegal .
21 There were times — notably in the immediate postwar years and during the early 1970s — when it seemed that the gap between the two halves of the country was beginning to narrow ( Damesick and Wood , 1987 ) , but with the benefit of hindsight it is seen that these were periods when special factors were operating ( McCrone , 1969 ; Massey , 1979 ) .
22 ( " on examination it is seen that these ideas are not so very original after all " )
23 ‘ It is fitting that these important landscape features should be given priority and where possible repaired or rebuilt , ’ said a spokesman .
24 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
25 It is felt that these require the full-time attention of a senior director to ensure complete compliance , that our company is at the forefront in this area and is proactive in improving our standards .
26 It is argued that these groups have a vested interest in distorting reality to ensure that America always appears to be under threat so that they can force the president and Congress to finance the lavish and unnecessary programmes which they desire .
27 It is argued that these are debts owed to the community and as such should be accorded a preference .
28 Lowering of embankment heights and improvements to the design of the Musselburgh Bypass can be achieved if Mucklets Road is closed where these two roads cross each other .
29 It is alleged that these problems made Leeds one of the worst organized towns in Britain .
30 We will introduce legislation designed to give consumers confidence that what they purchase is properly described — and that adequate compensation is offered where these requirements are not met .
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