Example sentences of "is [prep] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 There is a great healing tradition within the evangelical Charismatic Movement , and those who adhere to it believe this healing is about seeking out the devil and ridding the possessed of this influence .
2 Will the Secretary of State accept that there are those of us who have never made the point that trust status is about opting out of the national health service , but have said that it is about local accountability and the views of local people ?
3 This piece is about coming out in Dublin in the early seventies .
4 Local fish is worth seeking out since the area has one of the largest fishing fleets in the Mediterranean .
5 It is worth setting out the definition in full : 2 – ( 1 ) A contract of sale of goods is a contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration , called the price .
6 The Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 , would have included in the present s14(2) of SGA 1979 and its equivalent provisions under SOGIT 1973 ( as substituted by Sched 4 to CCA 1974 ) and the SGSA 1982 , the following provision which is worth setting out in full since it received Government approval and is likely to be re-introduced in the near future : ( 2A ) For the purposes of this Act , goods are of satisfactory quality if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory , taking account of any description of the goods , the price ( if relevant ) and all the other relevant circumstances .
7 It is worth pointing out — as did Dr Akena Adoko in his book on the Jeffrey Archer trial — that there may have been an additional development in the folkways of the juryroom : the frequent practice of the rich ( the typical plaintiffs ) to pass on their damages to charity , as did Mr Archer , might act as an additional , and self-legitimating , incentive to take awards through the ceiling .
8 It is worth pointing out that before the revolution , Cuba , due to its sugar-based economy , had relatively fewer smallholders and relatively more agricultural labourers than most Latin American countries .
9 It is worth pointing out that it does so in accordance with the normal justification thesis .
10 It is worth pointing out that more work had been done by the pathfinders than many people realize .
11 It is worth pointing out here that sewage sludge deposited on land is treated as industrial waste , except :
12 It is worth pointing out that , if the initial Killing vector had been taken to be , which is ( 12.25 ) with and , an equivalent transformation would have been obtained with and .
13 It is worth pointing out that the British PWR design is largely based on the Bechtel-Westinghouse Standardised Nuclear Unit Power Plant System ( SNUPPS ) .
14 Just to get really morbid , it is worth pointing out that death does not automatically extinguish debts on bank accounts personal loans and credit cards , hence the offer of insurance which is usually incorporated in the relevant loan/credit card application form .
15 It is worth pointing out however that there is n't really much difference in speed ( or for that matter in fuel consumption ) between the 1.8 and the 2.0-litre .
16 Finally , it is worth pointing out that the voltage at pin-14 does not behave in quite the way in which you suggest .
17 But it is worth pointing out that of the 40 seats where we called upon ‘ no-hope ’ third-party candidates to stand down to maximise the chances of defeating the Tory incumbents , just seven were captured by the opposition parties .
18 In this passage the Wordsworthian echoes of subject-matter and vocabulary are remarkable , though I suppose it is worth pointing out that Virginia Woolf was the daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen , an ‘ agnostic mountaineer ’ whose interests owed a great deal to the reading of Wordsworth .
19 It is worth pointing out that virtually all of the current best model helicopter pilots learned to fly them before the existence of a practical gyrostabiliser .
20 Hogg , Cronin , Shiel , Stark and Milne scored the tries and again it is worth pointing out that the Scots outscored the opposition by five tries to two .
21 It is worth pointing out that rateable values can go up or down following an appeal , and care should be taken before acting .
22 Before leaving the topic of longitudinal studies , it is worth pointing out that the Census can be seen as an example .
23 Since Bentham 's position is usually assumed to be rigorist , it is worth pointing out that his main formulations , such as we have described above , seem to be non-rigorist .
24 It is worth pointing out to the group that the first session is always the most anxiety-provoking , after which future sessions become progressively easier .
25 But it is worth pointing out one obvious hostage given by treating the ‘ inside ’ as a matter of the desires and beliefs of individual actors .
26 The pattern may look more obvious after the event , but it is worth pointing out that the French war in Vietnam in 1946 is sandwiched between their bombardment of Damascus and the eruption at Setif in Algeria in 1945 and their violent repression of the nationalist revolt in Madagascar in 1947 after similar claims had been made for independence within the French Union .
27 It is worth pointing out in this connection that the two propositions above are dubious .
28 It is worth pointing out that advocates of such a curriculum do not see knowledge as inert and impersonal but as something which can deeply affect the way an individual thinks , behaves and views the world .
29 It is worth pointing out that this distinction is also a male/female one ; whereas most important political actions that have really affected people 's lives have been taken by men , it is women , historically excluded from decision-making , who have been concerned with the subjective and the personal .
30 I shall not anticipate the arguments here , but it is worth pointing out that in a context of incomes policy , struggles over enterprise policy and operations would assume an increased importance : if wage-determination were conducted on a more centralised basis then the focus of collective bargaining at enterprise level would have to change .
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