Example sentences of "is [adj] to make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If it is practicable to make repeated visits to the same site over a period of months or years a programme of capture/mark/release and recapture will add a further dimension to the whole range of topics available .
2 Because this is so it is unnecessary to make extravagant claims ; the provision of a multimedia library , with the fullest integration of catalogues and shelves , and the finest collection of viewing and listening equipment , still meets only questions 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 .
3 Normally it is unnecessary to make special provision for this since the rent the tenant pays is linked to the rent he receives .
4 It 's a strange voyeuristic sensation to hear people talking when they have no idea you are there , and the temptation is strong to make frightening bellowing noises and then hide behind a rock .
5 One suggestion is that to make sure everyone gets the message , including absentees , names from the register should be written on the handout and brought every week until distributed .
6 It is usual to make specific provision for service of such notices , eg at the last known home address of a partner , in a way that will afford evidence that it has been duly given ( eg by registered delivery , entry in the firm 's post book etc ) .
7 It is possible to make approximate allowance for backspace by releasing the source-machine off play-pause about one second late .
8 From this road it is possible to make small diversions down into the villages of Jardim do Mar and Paúl do Mar , although the roads in and out of them are more spectacular than the villages themselves .
9 And it is possible to make new electronic texts by scanning printed texts into a computer .
10 Again it is possible to make categorical assertions in English without giving any indication of the evidence that one has for making them or of one 's attitude towards what one is saying : there are languages that can not do this . ’
11 In these days of the video camera and ‘ instant ’ processing it is possible to make memorable recordings of important local events — from rag-day parades to the church bazaar , the Remembrance Day service at the war memorial , or the opening of the new parish hall .
12 Once this has been done it is possible to make single-frequency readings to give quantitative concentrations of constituents of a mixture .
13 The internal structures of some of these galeaspids are beautifully preserved such that it is possible to make detailed anatomical comparisons with cephalaspids and gnathostomes .
14 Another problem arises from the form of the inscriptions ; most are lists of short , terse statements — objects , numbers and dedicatees — and many of the words are proper names , so it is possible to make false interpretations without the errors becoming apparent subsequently , as they would in a longer and more connected text .
15 Thinking and fantasizing seem to have constituted the majority of Foulkes 's and Vogel 's subjects ' reports , but while it is possible to make fine distinctions between levels of sleep depth using EEG/ EOG measures , these did not seem to be very predictive of the quality of experience reported .
16 This is a method of analysing the contents of documents or other non-statistical material in such a way that it is possible to make statistical comparisons between them .
17 It is possible to make light of the process but , be under no illusion , it is a deadly serious affair .
18 Nevertheless , provided that it is possible to make informed assumptions about the likely shapes and sizes of buildings at particular periods , a computer can be programmed to search for particular configurations of post-holes that might result from such a structure and ‘ peel them off ’ , to reveal a simplified picture of earlier building phases .
19 It is possible to make three-dimensional maps .
20 Whereas it is right to make sure that the value of the basic state pension is preserved for all income brackets we believe that any extra resources should be directed to the poorer end .
21 The Government is right to make maximum use of the flexibility permitted under the EC Insurance Accounts Directive .
22 The Japanese like to negotiate each issue as it arises and there is an assumption that each party is prepared to make substantial accommodations to the other .
23 The former can not be defined by any objective criteria and are largely a matter of personal taste , although if you wish to guarantee a reasonable resale value , it is crucial to make sure that your tastes coincide with more universally held views on aesthetic appeal .
24 Because of the differences in structure and gradings in the above two assessments , it is impossible to make direct comparisons , but the 1989 review includes within its Category 16 ( Other Physical Sciences ) , such diverse subjects as astronomy , oceanography , and meteorology , some of which have teaching and research connections with the earth sciences .
25 It is easy to make lasting judgements based on impressions and recollections from a time when things were different .
26 He added , ‘ It is easy to make cheap cracks about Norma 's hair and her clothes .
27 It is easy to make systematic change , e.g. to change the font in which book titles are to be represented .
28 It is appropriate to make clear at an early stage in the report the general status of the information which it contains .
29 The recognition helix of the helix-turn-helix motif of σ 70 is supposed to make specific contacts with the base pairs of the DNA in the major groove from positions -32 to -36 [ 36 , 37 ] .
30 The Mafia is supposed to make gigantic sums of money .
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