Example sentences of "is [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is little time for free play — most toys are used in structured group activities .
2 But where television-viewing is virtually unrestricted there is little time for reading , imaginative or realistic play , for making things or talking to parents .
3 Unfortunately , such discovery is often of limited value , since by the time the site is recognized and reported , it is usually more than half destroyed : in most cases , there is little time for archaeologists to salvage information from what is left of the site .
4 There is little time for introductions , however , as the Daleks attack the city , determined to find the Doctor 's group .
5 However , when delivery is about to take place there is little time for further information to arrive , and so the information that does appear is relatively important .
6 Ray is filmed in Liverpool visiting Claudette at her home , where there is little time for pauses : She talks very frankly about herself .
7 There is little time within our course for students to experiment with information design in any serious way , but those who also undertake their major undergraduate project in this area frequently become ambitious in experimenting with complex information structures .
8 Outside working hours Andy still likes to paddle although there is little time in the summer .
9 There are long stretches when I forget this experience totally , so much so that when it suddenly comes into my mind again it is each time with the shock of newness .
10 The point of this simple experiment is to show you that although there are only 168 hours in a week there is ample time for private study provided you are prepared to organise your life .
11 It is also pointed out that the danger of " hurrying " and teaching " more " is that time for gathering information and reflecting on practice and the implicit and explicit theories that guide it can evaporate easily in the busyness of increasing demands …
12 It is THAT time of year again .
13 It is that time of year again when we all trail off around the world to some exotic destination to experience some real ethnic culture , or even Mrs Fishfinger 's Bed & Breakfast in Blackpool .
14 It is that time of year when dawn and dustmen arrive together .
15 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
16 It 's a good idea , but rather vague at the moment ; the proposed launch date for the product is some time during 1993 .
17 Indeed , an artefact made since about 1955 will give an apparent radiocarbon age that is some time into the future because of the excess radiocarbon produced in the atmosphere by nuclear weapons testing ( the ‘ bomb effect ’ , see p. 123 ) .
18 One compositor , Jean Henderson whose daughter kindly provided me with information , went into the trade ( in the 1890s , that is some time after the earliest entrants ) straight from the Dean Orphanage , where she had received a good education ( see Plate 1 ) .
19 639 to ‘ this day ’ , that is , Adomnán 's time of writing , c . 700 , which is some time after the power of the northern Angles beyond the Forth had been shattered at Nechtanesmere in 685 , and the reference is rather to the failure of the kings of Scottish Dál Riata to regain control of Irish Dál Riata in Antrim .
20 Edit the RDBI configuration file and ensure that the start time specified , at the TRANSFER SCHEDULE keyword , is some time in the future .
21 What I 'd really like for us to have , and this is some time in the future , is one nice sort of saloon type car for best
22 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
23 It is high time for a collection from new voices .
24 It is high time for this neglect to yield to a more open discussion of these issues and a more positive approach .
25 And having heard , he said sombrely : ‘ It is high time for her .
26 ( Clearly , it is high time in this essay that we did just that ! )
27 I mean I , I know you 're not doing any thing very active , well nobody is this time of year , but still , I 've got some nice ham
28 Dr Butler was dropped by the BBC in 1983 , but is this time on Radio 4 and listed in the April 9 TV team .
29 Connolly 's famous valedictory — ‘ It is closing time in the gardens of the West ’ — may be little more than the self-excusing of an indolent man , but what replaced Horizon ( 1940 — 50 ) and Penguin New Writing ( 1940–50 ) was something far brisker and far less mandarin .
30 but , when it comes to taking other drugs , for a thrill , yes you could do without them , and one of the ways you can do that is by taking time out for yourself , whether you 're a single parent or if you 're a you know , if you 're a family , the important thing is finding time for yourself and not for your family or your dependants .
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