Example sentences of "is [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 My believe is what P P G is inviting local authorities to do is be cautious in proposing them , they should not be regarded as a first option , or an easy option , they should be cautious in proposing them .
2 Joint reading and discussion of manual ‘ Understanding and Coping with Anxiety ’ ( introduces 3-system model of anxiety , anxiety is normal physical symptoms ) .
3 However what does seem clear is that non-traditional students are capable of performing at least as well and in some cases better than traditionally qualified students throughout British higher education .
4 The dilemma is that Kenyan companies can not export effectively until they command the volumes needed to justify investments in both knowledge and quality , but they can not obtain those volumes without investment .
5 All one can say is that discreet inquiries in the neighbourhood produced nothing , save to show that he certainly appears not to be in the flat now . "
6 A serious problem with this approach is that prudential agents may assume that the oldest group in society is relatively small in number , and further that there is very little chance of living to that age — so may devote scant resources to the oldest group .
7 An explanation advanced for this is that industrial innovations generate expansion .
8 An important consequence of the orientation of state enterprise unions to the political sphere is that industrial disputes and strikes may be aimed at putting political pressure on government as much as economic pressure on the enterprise 's management ( cf. Thomson and Beaumont 1978 : 146–51 ) .
9 In sum , the general impression to be gained from the literature is that industrial profits were slimmed over the period , but by nothing like as much as bald balance sheet figures suggest , and that an easing in the cost of finance over the 1960s was followed by a hardening in the early 1970s .
10 However , a possible limitation of this approach is that industrial relations variables are themselves frequently clustered into national contexts .
11 Despite all this molecular heterogeneity , the common theme running through all these variations is that external signals use the InsP 3 /calcium and DAG/PKC pathways to regulate a wide range of cellular activities .
12 In corporate finance , the conventional view in America and Britain still is that Japanese firms rely for most of their money on friendly banks that they have been wining and dining for years .
13 The problem we in Europe face is that Japanese companies have been active in scaling up production for some years , whereas in Europe the emphasis has been on high-quality research , which has only been significantly exploited in the area of basic liquid crystal materials .
14 The thrust of the Bowley Committee Report is that budgetary pressures indicate that the Bar Council should seek more effective ways of controlling expenditure .
15 The second is that superparamagnetic materials have no magnetic ‘ memory ’ at room temperature .
16 The principal difference between the two is that Vulcanian deposits consist of non-vesiculated material .
17 The good news , meanwhile , is that reformed shopaholics almost always speak of a silver lining to the cloud which hung over their lives ( and bank accounts ) .
18 The important point , however , is that Jesuit scholars were active in other branches of science and particularly so in the emerging fields of electricity and magnetism .
19 This is that living organisms exist for the benefit of DNA rather than the other way around .
20 The reason why aluminium is so toxic is that living things mistake it for iron .
21 The answer is that airline-safety officials deem America to be far less at risk from terrorism than other places .
22 The only difference is that fixed pairs are attested more often than non-fixed pairs . "
23 The hope is that other markers can be identified , which when pooled together will enable doctors to predict , with great certainty , individuals who will develop insulin-dependent diabetes .
24 Participating in a benchmarking exercise may tell you that your performance in a particular area needs to improve , but unless you also find out how it is that other companies are beating your performance , you may not feel much the wiser .
25 Unless you also find out how it is that other companies are beating your performance , you may not feel much the wiser
26 One of the implications of the Kentish monopoly of certain materials and sources is that other areas must have been either dependent on the Kentish elite for such goods , or sought their own exotic goods by making contacts with elites elsewhere , that is , entering into an entirely different network .
27 Puzzle number two is that other changes in financial markets were meanwhile making it easier for such principles to apply .
28 The point , though , which takes the whole affair into the realms of the ludicrous is that other members of the England party , such as Boycott and Bairstow , had also played and coached in South Africa but no objection was made to them .
29 The general reason why this is such an important component is that other genes also change , as generations go by in evolution .
30 What we do wish to note is that other things being equal , the demand for bank lending will vary inversely with interest rates and that banks can not lend unless people wish to borrow .
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