Example sentences of "it seem [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed familiar to Carrie .
2 It seemed strange to me that many dead Germans we had come across in the built-up areas after leaving the landing beaches yesterday morning had no boots on , some were even minus socks .
3 It seemed strange to Maura to look up at someone .
4 It seemed strange without Sid next door , and the barrage seemed much worse than yesterday evening .
5 To be sure , the great apes behave so intelligently and have such a rich social life that it seemed extraordinary to many people that they could not learn to speak .
6 It seemed many of these things were squirming around together .
7 But it seemed many of the biggest news stories came from the world of industry , most notably , the miners ' strike .
8 From Sounion comes a splendidly illuminating decree of the demesmen , which reads : ‘ It seemed good to the men of Sounion : since Leukios has given the demesmen land to build an agora , three men are to be chosen straight away to measure an area not less than 2 plethra by 1 , so that there shall be broad space for the men of Sounion to agorazein ’ … ( the last word is untranslatable : ‘ carry on all the activities usual in an agora ’ is accurate but too prosaic ; there is also the sense of ‘ promenading oneself : Syll. 925 ) .
9 Two inscriptions from the early fourth century show that it did not always do so ( Tod 103 , 108 = WV 7 , HD 20 ) : they have the unusual opening formula ‘ it seemed good to the Council ’ .
10 The normal formula is ‘ it seemed good to the Council and People ’ , indicating that the decree had been prepared for the Assembly ( ‘ the people ’ ) by the Council , and was then voted on by the Assembly .
11 It seemed warm to him , as the handle of a spoon or a fork had often been , passed from her hand to his , after she 'd mashed up something on a plate for him when he was younger .
12 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
13 Given the demands of the United Kingdom 's aging population and the tendency of health care costs to rise , it seemed certain to some doctors that governments ' policies in this area would contain an appreciable element of cost containment .
14 Their mother had warned them to beg for forgiveness when their turn came to pray to their great-grandfather 's spirit before the altar , and it seemed certain to Lan 's ten-year-old mind that if she and her brothers had angered their father so deeply they must also have offended the spirits of their illustrious ancestors too .
15 I was asked once if it seemed real to me that one day I would be lifeless inside it .
16 She knew how Donna had been banking on one of the boys being a good match , and it seemed neither of them were .
17 After a long hot journey we had not paid much attention to our surroundings and it seemed unbelievable to be in Germany at last .
18 It seemed sad for the pregnant women , especially , to be in such a depressing house .
19 It seemed feasible to some in the profession that , in releasing pressurised teachers to enjoy the experience of a different context , they might choose never to return .
20 In the 190s it seemed intolerable to the then bishop of Rome , Victor , that the churches in Asia Minor celebrated Easter on a different date , and to the distress of many he threatened excommunication on those who did not adopt the Roman date .
21 It seemed redundant to me to tell us we were ‘ part of the president 's team ’ .
22 It seemed ridiculous to me that a guy with his experience and ability should have to accept the restrictions of a Number Two .
23 It seemed ridiculous in a country that recognised a mixed economy , respected private wealth and acknowledged that a rich man could live in almost every respect infinitely better than a poor one .
24 It seemed typical of previous British offers : so vague as to be almost meaningless or free to be interpreted in innumerable ways .
25 It seemed typical of Wickrithe , to produce a fog on the only day this week it had n't rained .
26 It seemed typical of Ianthe , the slightly school-mistressy touch of growing the bulb in water so that its white Medusa-like roots were visible .
27 It seemed cheap at the price — five guineas for travel and a month 's board and lodging .
28 The equal opportunity for social mobility was a commonplace in the public mind but pressure of numbers began to render that equality suspect , since it seemed unequal in fact .
29 I did n't want to quarrel in front of Flora — it seemed humiliating over something so small — so I said , ‘ Well , it 's just that they seemed so happy and fond of each other .
30 It seemed necessary to be able to do simple calculations .
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