Example sentences of "it give [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the first one is , Is the policy required and if so does it give sufficient guidance .
2 On the back of a postcard it says , you know , write for further information from your , does it give any indication as to what fair trading means ?
3 It will be seen that where Lautro is advised to serve or is considering the service of an intervention notice on a member , the rules do not place any obligation on it to give that member any advance warning of the intended action , nor to give him any opportunity to make representations before the intervention notice is served .
4 After turning it through 180 degrees , re-install it to give increased adjustment capability in the required direction .
5 This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect .
6 What constitutes the novelty of the Hellenistic age is that it gave international circulation to ideas , while strongly reducing their revolutionary impact .
7 It gave Sandy inspiration , the confidence to win the Masters , knowing he was a world-class player .
8 It gave undue prominence to three particular points in the plane .
9 Respondents welcomed the document , clearly indicating that it gave Religious Education parity of status with other areas of the curriculum .
10 Senator Warren Barry called Mr Clinton 's plan on gays in the military a ‘ fags in the foxhole ’ proposal , and the chairman of the Fairfax County Republicans , Patrick Mullins , said it gave new meaning to the military warning ‘ watch your rear flank , ’ according to the Post .
11 We loved it and he knew it gave great pleasure to the audience .
12 At its worst it may have been a parasitic racket representing only itself to the detriment of all , but on the larger canvas of society it gave political power to a narrow group of substantial landowners in loose alliance with merchant princes and the small towns which returned members to Parliament .
13 Today this chapter may seem almost too anodyne to be significant , but it gave much-needed relief and encouragement to Catholic New Testament scholars ( see Fitzmyer , 1982 , pp. 97–142 ) .
14 Furthermore , it gave valuable information about the Permian sequence ; in particular it penetrated 370 ft of Upper Permian salt , and the 1800 ft of lavas and tuffs believed to be Lower Permian .
15 It gave enough power , but was far too complicated and weighed 500lb against the Brabham Repco V8 's 300lb .
16 It gave Spinal Tap the inspiration for ‘ Stonehenge ’ , but otherwise the Reading Festival must have barely registered beyond ‘ laughing stock ’ status in the minds of Barbara 's ‘ intelligent , discerning ’ young music fans .
17 Sony Corporation 's Tape Recorder Division tried to redesign a small portable tape recorder so that it gave stereophonic sound .
18 It gave excessive salivation , pains in the belly , and caused the teeth to drop out .
19 I am writing as I disagree with various comments made in an article entitled A Pair of Glasses … by Linda Lewis , as I feel that it gave Indian Glassfish a very negative press .
20 The foreign ministry in St Petersburg was in the first decades of the century ludicrously overstaffed : under Alexander I it gave ostensible employment to well over 700 people ( including the poet Pushkin ) , many of whom had no real duties whatever .
21 One of Pater 's subjects for a perceptive essay was Leonardo da Vinci ; it gave special prominence to the painting now generally known as the Mona Lisa .
22 It gave cultural shape to a world outside school and home .
23 It gave Scottish athletics one of its biggest boosts since the same pair of athletes won gold at the European Championships in Split two years ago .
24 Between four and six episodes was Verity Lambert 's ideal length for a story , preferring the latter as it gave more opportunity for character development which , in her belief , audiences appreciated .
25 It gave another spurt of energy to see the tall man she loved standing there .
26 Despite some significant developments by BBC and Marconi engineers , the system still did not give better quality than 78rpm discs ; it only succeeded because it gave longer running-time , and it had lower running-costs because the tape could be magnetically erased and reused .
27 Its advantage was that it worked , in that it gave some hope of understanding why chemical compounds behave as they do ; and it did open the way to symbolizing chemical reactions .
28 It gave some backing to Wilson 's much-publicized but largely ineffective policy of economic sanctions against Rhodesia .
29 US fiscal policy was expansionary in 1970 — it gave some tax relief and additional transfer payments to households — but this stimulus was subsequently eroded by rising tax bills .
30 There were two objections to this : firstly it was a British tune and secondly ( though less important ) it was well known that its full version included a line about crushing rebellious Scots ; and while the English national anthem may have pleased aggressively Anglophile spectators , it gave immense offence to thousands of ordinary Scots who quite understandably punctuated it with boos and whistles .
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