Example sentences of "it provide the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It provided the West Bank mayors and notables with financial disbursements and economic favours .
2 His successor Breton d'Amboise 's version was more influential in that it provided the base for three other amplifications , one anonymous , the other two by John of Marmoutier .
3 It provided the leadership in February , it succeeded in opening the eyes of the more backward sections of the proletariat and the working masses to the reactionary nature of the petty-bourgeois and liberal parties , it welded the proletariat into an invincible revolutionary force and , drawing the poor peasants into alliance with them , it led the October revolution .
4 In fact , for all its interest and importance , the nature of Danish government , and the extent to which it provided the forces which conquered England , must be left ill-defined .
5 The switch of tactics on the part of the war-tax resistance movement which can be dated back to 1977 is potentially of great significance because it provided the conditions in which a broad-based political campaign may be mounted , calling for a statutory right of tax diversion and relying on litigation as an auxiliary and subordinate weapon , instead of depending exclusively on litigation to try to bring about a change in the law directly .
6 It provided the synthesis of ideology and utopia , theory and praxis , by moving to a new kind of historical dynamic .
7 As I have said , it performed extraordinarily well at the outbreak of both world wars , when it provided the bedrock upon which we were able to build .
8 It provided the subjects with a soothing and uplifting hope that whenever there appeared in their lives an oppressive mischance , some tormenting difficulty , His Most Unrivalled Highness would hearten them — by attaching the greatest importance to that mischance or difficulty .
9 But it provided the occupant of this role with a very central and secure position within the group via a means that required no conflict with the rest of society .
10 It has borne his burdens , taken part in his wars , and shared his leisure pursuits but , incongruously , its most important period began with the start of the industrial revolution ; as man invented machines to revolutionise his industry , he found more need for the heavy horse ; it provided the means of transport and made possible the rapid improvements in agriculture required to feed the expanding population .
11 Furthermore , confidence in the exchange value of the dollar was essential since it provided the bulk of the reserve assets in the system : any devaluation of the dollar would give rise to fears that it might be devalued again , and hence there would be a reluctance to hold dollars as a reserve currency .
12 It was an episode which showed that the conviction of the virtuous power of public opinion had become firmly fixed in the antislavery movement and it provided the source of growing unease about the African Institution by the early 1820s .
13 However , it provided the basis for further advances , including the discovery that some animals can orient to previously unsuspected stimuli ( magnetic and electric fields ) , and von Frisch 's discovery that bees can communicate information about direction symbolically .
14 In fact it provided the industry with more control over its environment by making conflicts over environmental damage an administrative problem whose outcome could be predicted by corporate executives .
15 The new Commonwealth was at least a genuinely voluntary union , and yet it was far from clear that it provided the answer to nationality differences that had for so long eluded the Gorbachev leadership .
16 I look forward to seeing the amendments that will be tabled by my right hon. Friend for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) and others when they look in a measured way at the Bill and seek to amend it to provide the support for the prison service that is so desperately needed .
17 What it does not do it provide the user with any way of removing any viruses found .
18 A dreary diet of lessons based upon textbook and worksheet is never going to inspire children to regard schooling with enthusiasm , nor will it provide the base on which a personal commitment to learning can be built .
19 It provides the kind of record which the CBI argues , in its recent report ‘ Towards a Skills Revolution ’ , should be a feature of all vocational education and training systems .
20 It provides the seas , mountains and plains , climate , energy , vegetation , animal life and materials , individually or in combination tending to influence the style , type and location of any house or structure .
21 Although this does not vest a security interest in the creditor , it has been claimed ( rightly ) that it ‘ behaves ’ like a security interest since it is an attempt to preclude the debtor from freely using its assets and thus , as with a security interest , it provides the creditor with a measure of protection .
22 It provides the opportunity to exploit a ‘ home market ’ comparable in scale to that of the USA .
23 This , of course , is one of the great advantages of informality , as it provides the opportunity for constant alterations to the garden .
24 It is a necessity because it provides the opportunity for reflection on how well you have carried out various tasks and whether there are better ways of doing things .
25 There can be little doubt that its potential is very great , as it provides the opportunity for effective teaching of skills of finding and using information within a context of high pupil interest .
26 And since it provides the opportunity of personal contact with the discharger , it is a means of spreading advice or warnings .
27 It provides the opportunity for researchers from different disciplines to present and discuss papers about the methodological perspectives used in existing studies of the framing and impact of the ERA .
28 Also , in the event of a decompression incident , it provides the chamber operator with an accurate record of dives done ; something that the dive log does not always state in enough detail .
29 This is the language component : it provides the activities which help participants to understand the business situation as presented through the Information File , the Video , and the Audio Cassette and to develop the skills necessary to perform the assignment .
30 It provides the muscles with a good supply of blood and oxygen and prepares the body for the job at hand .
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