Example sentences of "it might [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
2 The idea that it might be channelled in worthier directions , the development of team spirit and the inculcation of self-discipline , was already being ventilated .
3 Whether such finance will be made available and how it might be channelled are major themes in subsequent chapters .
4 ‘ I think it might be connected with this , ’ she said , reaching into the top drawer for the picture and handing it to Bridget .
5 Like the GMC 's recommendations the deans ' suggestion may seem superficially attractive , but it too lacks any semblance of realism about how it might be implemented .
6 Then it might be implemented .
7 Furthermore , if authenticity is to be defined as natural language behaviour ( and it is hard to see how else it might be defined ) there is also the difficulty that learners will naturally incline to draw on their own language in any situation that calls for uncontrived linguistic communication .
8 If not , consider how it might be adjusted to different categories of student while preserving its efficacy as a means of encouraging orientation within a discourse .
9 And while it might be said that his version of pochvennost comes from this same source , and while it is certainly true that pochvennost deserves a longer footnote than the Petrine reforms , a footnote is all it should be .
10 John Ruskin , it might be said , was the last considerable figure before Pound to hold in all seriousness , as Pound did , that the level of craftsmanship and artistry in a society was the one infallible measure of that society 's moral and civic health .
11 It might be said that Rochlin is not to be taken seriously , being merely a popularizing psychologist .
12 It might be said that the museum was Mrs Gardner 's revenge ; Fenway Court , the remarkable Italian palazzo which she built well outside respectable Boston among the city 's breweries and distilleries , was named by her The Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum .
13 Two years later she began using Bernard Berenson as her buyer of Italian old masters , although it might be said that Berenson was using her , praising each new find in breathless superlatives in order to get the best price out of his patroness .
14 Indeed , it might be said that Augusta , as a whole , is his territory .
15 Counter-culture , it might be said , was no loose term applied to a bunch of idle west coast hippies , whose philosophies were being trendily copied the world over .
16 I imagine it might be said that it was too insistent on formal academic instruction , that it took things like examinations very seriously and prided itself on its academic record ; yet in fact the education it gave was surprisingly wide and varied …
17 It might be said truthfully he died at the high point of his fame !
18 For those that understand such terminology it might be said that the remedies work at the level of energy and not of matter .
19 All children , it might be said , are special ; with good fortune , they are special to those who parent them , to those who help them to learn , to those to whom they are clients , and to themselves .
20 As Gandhi has glimpses of absolute Truth through instances of relative truth so , it might be said , he has glimpses of Religion through particular historical religions .
21 Yet particular religions , it might be said , are necessary to convey the meaning of Religion in the same way as particular truths are necessary to convey the meaning of Truth .
22 In the political parlance of 1992 , I suppose it might be said that Mr Platt has given himself a double whammy .
23 If , alternatively , it was a gift then it was incomplete , since the transfers of property had not been made and it might be said , therefore , that the cousins could revoke the incomplete gift .
24 In the instant case it might be said that there was a stronger case for allowing the court 's jurisdiction because there was no provision for any appeal if the Revenue was allowed to invoke s 485 .
25 However , it might be said that to require additional disclosure from all companies as a means of addressing the lack of it from a few is to force rules on the majority for the sake of the minority .
26 Some people think that Jesus still meant death in the sense that it might be said today that a person had ‘ fallen asleep ’ when they had died .
27 It might be said that what Wittgenstein says about the criteria of someone having understood a colour-word provides a reason for answering the question affirmatively .
28 Alternatively , it might be said that the talk about words conveying ideas it not to be taken seriously .
29 Next , it might be said that although Locke was in the business of trying to explain communication in terms of ideas being conveyed from one mind to another , now we know better .
30 It might be said that war elephants were the battle tanks of the Moguls .
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