Example sentences of "it take [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It takes time for this to develop and for people to recognise that they are partly responsible .
2 Certainly , it takes time for workers and employers to react to changing conditions in the labour market .
3 It takes time for UV to penetrate all the way through the etch-resist , so a thicker coating of sprayed-on resist will require a longer period of UV exposure .
4 In youth we struggle to match fashionable expectations against our own shadowy sense of self ; it takes time for a secure identity to be born out of this .
5 The vector graphics are well-executed , although it takes time for your eyes to adjust to what 's going on .
6 It takes time for any new middle class to realise that there is more to life than the sudden enjoyment of prosperity .
7 One reason for this is that suitable up-to-date information on employment , prices , etc. may not be immediately available , partly because it takes time for such data to be collated .
8 Delays in decision-making can be a difficulty as it takes time for problems at the bottom to come to the notice of people at the top , and for ideas at the top to percolate to the bottom .
9 But , the discharge having occurred , it takes time for such another potential to accumulate .
10 It takes time for the validity or fruitfulness of any academic development to become clear , and too rapid a response to intellectual fashions could leave institutions with an embarrassing residue of dubious courses , which once installed are difficult to dislodge .
11 The imperfect monitoring of actions means that it takes time for types to self-screen , so they can enjoy a temporary reputation while this is going on .
12 Of course it takes time for the increased number of women on the list to work through into actual appointments , but one of the purposes behind the Prime Minister 's initiative was to see that they did work through into actual appointments .
13 It takes time for industry to accumulate expertise , to build teams , and to establish a strong market position .
14 " It takes time for staff to say openly " Can we say what we really feel ? "
15 It takes time for pupils to appreciate the complexity of these concepts but this is what distinguishes history from other disciplines .
16 ‘ Strathclyde is a huge organisation , the biggest local authority in the country : it takes time for these things to be corrected . ’
17 Using functional notation , we can write However , since it takes time for firms to adjust their capital stocks in response to changes in demand ( remember that capital is a variable factor of production only in the long-run ) , it may be more realistic to introduce a lag into the accelerator part of the function and write Only empirical testing can determine which of the three independent variables is the most important .
18 As it takes time for these reactions to occur , one country 's acid rain may be the result of another 's emissions .
19 erm I can not see , and this is where I part company with Peter Williamson to some extent , I can not see any reason why his data should be regarded as showing that when the sudden change did take place it took place for any reason other than natural selection within a single population .
20 It took time for her to find out , but she needed no other evidence than her eyes to tell her Ferdinando had lost interest in the pretty maid .
21 A unit of radiation dosage , the ‘ roentgen ’ , was not defined until 1928 , and it took time for it to be universally accepted .
22 It took time for these changes to become effective .
23 After the service it took time for the galleries to empty .
24 It took time for their role to be accepted and appreciated .
25 It took time for the first cracks to appear .
26 The reason was no doubt that it took time for the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee to report .
27 It took time for me to accept it .
28 It took time for the Americans to commit themselves to a battle for the stomachs , hearts and minds of the people living in the Western zones of Germany .
29 Even then it took time for those in Washington who favoured direct American military involvement as opposed to military aid or some loose Atlantic security system , to gain the ascendancy .
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