Example sentences of "it take [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 How long it will be before branded products are on the market is a function of how high the specification is cut and the time it takes to generate the test suites .
2 All it takes to create a sense of country in your home is a little of your imagination and a lot of inspiration from Allied .
3 A nod and a wink from Sir Denys Henderson is all it takes to move the share prices up or down .
4 Its orders from the United Nations … shoot first , and ask questions later … if that 's what it takes to enforce the naval blockade of the former Yogoslavia .
5 The time that it takes to perform a search .
6 The time that it takes to perform a search in a system is a function of a number of factors , including the user 's previous experience with the system , aspects of system design and the nature of the search .
7 P.S. Please keep the sachet , as a reminder of how little it takes to save a child 's life .
8 For every evening wasted in the contemplation of Tubular Bells we spent no more than the time it takes to finish a vodka-and-lime soaking up Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes .
9 It thinks in years , not months or weeks : the three or four years it takes to reach a degree ; the similar or longer period needed for a doctorate ; the intellectual shifts that occur over decades , even centuries .
10 Media costs are usually assessed in terms of ‘ cost per thousand ’ : the number of pence ( or pounds ) it takes to reach an audience of 1000 ( adults , housewives , men under 45 or whatever ) with a given ad or campaign .
11 How long it takes to reach the size , and the actual attainable size of this fish are things fishkeepers will be investigating .
12 How long it takes to reach the size , and the actual attainable size of this fish are things we will only find out with time .
13 What is even more significant for wage profiles is that all of the figures quoted for average tenure are well below the 25–30 years that it takes to reach the peak of the earnings profile .
14 But you were too young to realise just how much work you have to put in at that stage of building up a business , how much effort it takes to hold the whole thing together and stop it from collapsing around you . ’
15 Praxis says it took less time to install the ANDF version of the program than the 15 minutes it takes to compile the C sources of Wingz .
16 Later on , you can guide their play by , say , suggesting that they see how many little cups of water it takes to full the big jug , or by getting them to find out how long it takes to fill a floating cup with water until it sinks .
17 Its own experience indicates how long it takes to build a robust usable operating system .
18 But if I 'm right about what it takes to tell the truth , Pooh ca n't tell anyone that there 's honey there without first becoming aware of having that belief .
19 Such a bit image blocks are not normally compressed , and anyone using graphics in a document is familiar with the time it takes to load the printer .
20 Do you have what it takes to fly a bomber over dangerous enemy territory , the Grim Reaper waiting patiently with you all the way ?
21 The principal method of investigation is to show people sentences one at a time on a computer screen and measure the time it takes to understand a sentence .
22 Haines , 50 , should certainly know exactly what it takes to run a multi-million-pound industry , having climbed through the ranks to become chairman of the United Sugar Merchants Association .
23 Join a guided tour of the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club and learn about its history and that of the ground , as well as just what it takes to run a major sporting venue .
24 No-one knows better what it takes to make a championship-winning team .
25 With 24 years experience behind us we know what it takes to make an event stand out .
26 The heating is switched on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing .
27 Stephen Glover could have taken either of two ‘ angles ’ : a bitchy , scandal-strewn insider 's account , which might have appealed to a small audience of fellow scribblers and media junkies ; or a description of what it takes to launch a high-profile business in the teeth of fierce competition , which might have interested those thousands of readers who do not drink at London 's Groucho Club .
28 The business of the audition is squeezed into all this in less time than it takes to shake a leg .
29 It 's four minutes per museum floor , half an hour in Djemaa el Fna ( less for those scared of pickpockets and dirt ) , one hour round the city walls in a carriage at trotting pace and as much time in the souks as it takes to buy a rug , a leather coat and some fake Berber jewellery .
30 And the Sainsburys , Tescos and Safeways of the world are the people with the financial clout and organisational know-how to spend the £15million or so which it takes to buy the land , negotiate the planning hurdles , employ a builder and stock the shelves to open a new superstore on a good site .
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