Example sentences of "it get [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It got off the ground in Berlin in 1982 despite an atmosphere of increasing pressure on funds for all forms of higher education in Berlin as elsewhere in West Germany .
2 At the moment this innovatory scheme was still at the planning stage , but once it got off the ground I could n't fail to gross a minimum of fifty thou in the first year of operation , after which the sky was the limit .
3 IT WAS once an independent state , all 32 square miles of it ; but it got on the wrong side of the local superpower , whereupon angry Athens exiled its inhabitants for daring to ally themselves with Sparta .
4 The last thing Champagne required was a plentiful harvest , but that was precisely what it got with the bumper crop of 1934 .
5 AS GOOD as it got for the deranged Los Angeles combo .
6 He thought the transition period had always been too long , because authority deserts a dying king , and neither China nor the Hong Kong people were going to take much notice of us by the time it got to the Nineties .
7 But then I thought this might not be understood by many people , and also , by the time it got to the Augean Bulls and the Birds of Stymphalus , it would be a little recondite for people like Terry Coleman . ’
8 It got to the stage where we did n't bother to ask what happened to it .
9 I think he did say to me once that he was very disturbed at how much coke David was doing , and it got to the point where he did n't hide it in front of DeFries , whereas he did , for quite a while , at first .
10 It got to the point where you could have one musical act , then you 'd have a puppeteering act , all on a Sunday night under the guise of the Beckenham folk club .
11 And then it got to the stage when I did not want to , ’ she is alleged to have said .
12 It got to the point where they were jumping on the bonnet and it would have been a matter of time before they ran over my roof . ’
13 It got to the stage where there was no way I could back out , ’ he said .
14 It got to the point that if someone looked at me on the street I thought they were responsible . ’
15 Reid admitted : ‘ That hurt him and it got to the stage where he was n't getting in there to take chances .
16 Meanwhile , Gower , who will be in India this winter commentating for BSkyB , last night changed his position on the protest , saying : ‘ I had hoped they might drop this before it got to the full meeting .
17 McLaren boss Teddy Mayer as much as admitted at the end of 1975 that he thought Emerson wanted to move — or that he was in personal trouble of one kind and another — but the official news reached Hunt before it got to the team , and got to Hunt through Domingos Piedade , an eccentric figure close to the cheerful groupie Googie Zanon , a wealthy ( textiles ) Italian aristocrat whose support has been crucial to many drivers at critical points in their career , then ‘ manager ’ to Emerson and now to Ayrton Senna — a fringe career from which Domingos , hugely personable , but also often more a talker than a doer , has made a more than reasonable living .
18 It got to the stage when she dreaded waking up , ’ said Don .
19 We all worked and lived at the same place and it seemed pretty cool to me at the time , but it started to become more and more negative until it got to the point where I wanted to leave … and I realised that they would n't let me !
20 It got to the stage where she would lock herself away and not talk to me , or else have endless arguments .
21 In the Central Market in San Salvador , the manager , General Noel Aparicio , created a special uniformed and armed vigilante force to intimidate the market women , " It got to the point where we felt we were entering a prison , not a market .
22 Finally , it got to the point where he was driving me nuts , because I could n't even find out the reason he was screaming so .
23 It got to the stage where me and Mum were coming to blows .
24 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
25 In fact it got to the stage that if Scott had a horse in a bumper at all , it was backed favourite almost immediately .
26 I could n't look at him ; it got to the stage where I could n't look at anyone otherwise they 'd know all about how disgusting I was .
27 There were also places to eat if you fancied ( a ) a very expensive hamburger , ( b ) authentic Austrian cuisine , if you did n't mind the creaking Or lederhosen as you ate , and ( c ) high quality Japanese food , some of it dead before it got to the table , if you had all day .
28 And it got to the point where our pumps were issuing the fuel in gallons , but the fuel companies were bringing it in in litres .
29 But it got to the stage that I dreaded seeing Mr B 's smiling face in the press box at Blues games , as it was sure to mean another gloom and doom match report in the ‘ Ulster ’ that night .
30 It got to the stage where it was my marriage or my road racing , ’ admits Thomas , a Guisborough motor bike dealer .
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