Example sentences of "it say that the " in BNC.

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1 Yet it says that the amount of government research cash spent by industry is ‘ pitifully low ’ .
2 But it says that the surviving mudflats may be needed in future because they are near deep water and could make good sites for factories that are served by ships .
3 In its extreme form , as enunciated by Brandon Carter , a cosmologist now at the Paris Observatory , it says that the conditions we observe in the universe must include the various electrical and gravitational constants that hold all planetary matter together and thus give rise to intelligent terrestrial life .
4 Indeed , in its newsletter , Good Practice , it says that the ‘ current economic recession appears to have dragged high-earning professionals of all disciplines into its maelstrom ’ .
5 On the positive side , it says that the company 's financial condition remains strong , with about $150m of cash and long-term investments at 1992 year end , and $112m of debt , and a debt-to-equity ratio that stands at a conservative 13% .
6 It says that the wavefunction is not a description of a physical system but simply a description of my knowledge of it .
7 If you draw a triangle with corners x , y and z , then it says that the length of the side between x and y is no more than the sum of lengths of the other two sides .
8 Bantam will not change the American cover , however , because it says that the American public now identifies that with the book .
9 Indeed , the MEC does not advise the use of any insecticidal shampoo for the treatment of headlice ; it says that the contact time is not long enough to kill both lice and eggs , making repeat treatments necessary .
10 It says that the statement of accounts will be made up of :
11 It says that the
12 That 's correct , and that the further down , I mean it says that er there is a er it says that the reason you 've had been the reason you 've been sent for this treatment is because of er a particular condition you 've got .
13 Nothing in the Queen 's Speech can offer better prospects It says that the Government will promote training , but they have cut it .
14 It says that the money which it was prepared to commit to training will not meet the pleas of the training and enterprise councils , which are struggling to deliver the training guarantees which the Government have committed them to providing , and which can not go beyond the delivery of that guarantee to extend training opportunities in a serious or significant way .
15 I am disappointed with the amendment principally because it says that the Bill ’ fails to establish independent consumer ombudsmen ’ .
16 The hon. Member for Lancaster will be interested to hear that it says that the national curriculum will not be delivered because of the difficulty —
17 It says that the rate of exchange rate appreciation implied by the futures market will equal the difference between US and UK interest rates .
18 It says that the potential in Britain for producing electricity from renewable sources is greater than anywhere else in Europe .
19 It says that the discharges from the plant , which is run by British Nuclear Fuels ( BNFL ) , are carried upstream to Preston on the incoming tide and deposited in mudflats used by children to play .
20 It says that the EC will have to look at other policies , such as shifting freight from road to rail .
21 Suffice it to say that the desert landscape was no doubt encouraged by his enthusiasm in 1922 and 1923 for the work of an author whom he placed with James and Conrad — C. M. Doughty , whose ‘ great work Travels in Arabia Deserta ’ he recommended , mentioning also that a good essay on Doughty 's prose , including quotations from it , was contained in Middleton Murry 's recent book Countries of the Mind .
22 Suffice it to say that the DTI was the supervising authority for such fringe banks .
23 I wo n't bore you all with the technical details ; suffice it to say that the alloy truss rod previously fitted to Warwick basses just is n't man enough for the job — a classic case of a nice design let down by choice of materials .
24 Suffice it to say that the offence can now be committed in many more places than before .
25 There may however be a way of adapting it to say that the solipsist will be unable to use the term ‘ beetle ’ to communicate with his later self ( in a diary , perhaps ) , since what gives the term its meaning to him now can not be what was then in the box ( an object to which he now has no access ) but what he now thinks was in the box .
26 For now , suffice it to say that the present state of the art is such that while some areas are capable of producing meaningful output measures , it is proving difficult to develop appropriate measures in other areas .
27 Suffice it to say that the applicant asserts Mr. Tee was in no way concerned with the running of Winchester 's business .
28 I believe this situation is self-explanatory , so I wo n't bother you with details ; suffice it to say that the best engineers in Germany have convinced me that the weakest point in this chain is your body .
29 Suffice it to say that the exact method depends on the machine .
30 Suffice it to say that the cross-sectional survey is not well attuned to handling processes , but this is a much more serious matter if one abandons the assumptions of symmetry and reversibility .
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