Example sentences of "it do [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Nor will it do to argue that state socialism is a perversion or corruption of some pure source , for the source has been so consistent in what it has given rise to , and so wrong in its predictions , that the suspicion of some intrinsic connection between theory and practice can not be evaded .
2 It did matter but we did n't know that at the time did we ?
3 Dad said I should wait until it stopped snowing so hard , so I watched from the window , and before very long it did ease and I was sent down the cellar for the fuel .
4 It did suggest that the principles of confidentiality should be preserved for a period of fifteen years instead of thirty , but that there should be no new machinery for enforcement since offenders would carry the risk of social and political sanctions , and , of course , if they came within the rubric of any existing legal restraint , such as the Official Secrets Act , they would run the risk of legal proceedings .
5 This did not mean that ideas and values came from some supernatural source , but it did mean that they came from the history of society , not the history of the individual .
6 In literature I was going to offer both British and American authors , both prose and poetry , so that was no problem , though it did mean that I should have to read authors I disliked — Conrad , Hemingway , Woolf , Graham Greene , C.P. Snow — but I leavened this stodgy bunch with those I felt more in sympathy with , though they were not officially on the syllabus — Waugh , Firbank and Forster at their head .
7 This did not necessarily mean that the churches opposed alleviation of pain , but it did mean that the ministrations of the pastor were much more important than those of the physician , and those of the latter should not be permitted to interfere with the spiritual task of the former .
8 But it did mean that in order to understand a particular way of thinking — for instance that of the theist — it was necessary to pay careful attention to the way in which theists actually spoke .
9 There was , presumably , a sound evolutionary reason for the fact that no one had yet designed a lavatory in which the occupant faced away from the door , some relic of the time when primitive man was most at risk when at stool , but it did mean that the lavatory user was finely tuned to the approach of strangers .
10 The presence of these South American lines naturally does not prove the existence of British leys , but it did mean that Watkins 's theory was no longer an isolated , irrational concept .
11 It was n't all that much help , anyway , as far as tracing the kidnappers was concerned , but it did mean that on that point at least the Nilsen girl was telling the truth .
12 This meant a lot of work with the Treasury solicitor 's office ; but it did mean that the commissioner had to write the report and not us , so there was something to be said for the arrangement .
13 It was all a little hyperbolic , but it did mean that when , four months later , the issue shifted from the soft abstractions of industrial good will in general to the hard reality of reducing wages in the coal industry , the Prime Minister started with a store of self-confidence .
14 Public activity of this kind was , he said , a kind of sedative — no doubt to counteract feelings of uselessness — but it did mean that he was forced to postpone any creative work .
15 There was thirteen years difference between my elder sister and youngest brother — two girls and then three boys , of whom Basil was the eldest — and though this arrangement was not ideal when we came of an age to meet husbands among our brothers ' friends , it did mean that we all got along very well together and as sisters were not looked down upon by older and superior male beings as I often saw happen in other families .
16 It did mean that keeping the Seayak on a bearing in a big sea was a somewhat tiring and frustrating battle .
17 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
18 If the public acceptance of psychoanalysis meant anything for secondary selection it did mean that the scientificity of any description of the mind became more suspect — its subjectivity more evident .
19 Given trust as a first condition , the changes which followed each stage of review , assessment and evaluation came more easily — even if it did mean that some criticisms had first to be voiced and discussed ( JM Dobson conversation , 1990 ) .
20 Being together in this way did not mean that either party treated the other with excessive informality but it did mean that teachers knew pupils well .
21 It did occur because the depression was so er , was so long erm , but by and large , farmers do n't go out of , do n't cease erm , production just because of a couple of years of er , poor harvests or low , low prices .
22 Well , occasionally , it did happen that a shortage of male Jews was evident .
23 Eye-witnesses insist that it did happen and , further , that 80-odd ( or even very odd ) people showed up .
24 As noted above , the Rome Treaty did not explicitly incorporate any regional dimension , but it did recognise that EC policies might well have a differential spatial impact .
25 And that night steals some milk and er sure enough it did come and then when the witch woken up in the morning and found out that somebody had been milking the cow she said er whoever stealing the milk will never work for six month .
26 Although similar requisitions were carried out on treasures in museums , it did seem that the state had finally decided to test the power of the Orthodox Church on a socially explosive question .
27 It did seem that the mother 's intrusion in quarrels led to more conflict over the longer term .
28 It did seem that the main force squadrons in other Groups had more casualties than we did , partly because they had to cope with fully awakened defences , gun and searchlight crews as well as fighters , after PFF had done their job , and perhaps also because they had a higher proportion of new , inexperienced crews who were usually the first to come to grief .
29 Though I enjoyed the book immensely it did seem that to an extent Mayle had used the plot to answer the numerous critics who , riddled by jealousy at the success of his two books ( Toujour Provence was the second ) , have given him a good going over .
30 And when I found out the lady was English , it did seem as though something might come of it . ’
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