Example sentences of "it be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 There is real danger in prizing , let us say , speaking in tongues ( which I believe can be a real gift of the Holy Spirit ) so highly that those who lack it are regarded as second-class Christians if Christians at all .
2 Although it is from 1 to 3 km below sea level off Java , along most of the coast of Sumatra parts of it are exposed as the Mentawai and other islands ( Figs 3.9 and 3.14 ) .
3 The revolt was not purely one of the agricultural classes , although a substantial number of those pardoned for participation in it are described as ‘ husbandman ’ or ‘ labourer ’ .
4 And just because it looks like a wild boar with the striped marking or ‘ agouti ’ ( long snout , straight tail and small pointy ears ) , can it be accepted as such without a genetic test ?
5 Nor can it be treated as a property of objects of thought .
6 The principle is an anti-perfectionist principle but can it be regarded as a principle of neutrality ?
7 Caffeine is the active ingredient of coffee or tea and is a necessary social drug , adding considerably to the overstimulation and agitation of modern man , but in no way can it be regarded as a tonic .
8 While the way in which sexual relations are conducted obviously varies considerably from individual to individual and from zone to zone , generally speaking , there is an attempt to maintain a fairly strict control in the military camps , although this does not apply for the civilian population , nor should it be regarded as an indication of future attitudes .
9 On no account should it be regarded as something through which the traveller passes quickly while hurrying on to the next destination .
10 What happened on Friday night happened , but in my humble opinion it never was , nor should it be regarded as , a resignation matter .
11 Will further funds be withdrawn and the company allowed to fail with loss of jobs , or will it be supported as a ‘ lame-duck ’ reintroducing many of the industrial problems of the UK of the 1970s ?
12 Reviewing the arguments presented earlier , it would seem that the lack of local politics in the post-war period should not be equated with the turning of local government into mere agents of the centre ; nor should it be seen as the result of non-local structural forces promoting change on a national basis .
13 The value of the ethological study of apes , monkeys and baboons is what it tells us about apes , monkeys and baboons ; only in very special circumstances , and in a very tentative way , should it be seen as a metaphorical alternative by means of which we can study man himself , as in a mirror .
14 then you know why should it be seen as a disincentive for them to that and services that had n't been bothered to do that be given money .
15 Should it be seen as a distinct variety in its own right , or is it no different from the " ordinary " language of long-established communities of white Londoners ?
16 No longer can it be described as the sick man of the industry ’
17 Nor can it be classed as an imitation .
18 The question will arise : should a re-investigation be conducted from scratch , avoiding in the first instance the records and materials created by the primary investigation or , alternatively , should it be started as a review of the previous investigation 's record ?
19 If it were formatted as an RLL drive , then you 'd get 31.2Mb out of it .
20 Consequently it seemed likely in early May that Japan would avoid the mandatory trade sanctions which would follow if it were named as an unfair trader under the so-called " Super 301 " clause of the 1988 Trade Act [ see pp. 36925-26 ] .
21 It would be a pity if talk of road pricing were to divert attention from commonsense action needed now , or if it were seen as a substitute for a properly funded roads programme .
22 I am not referring to the conservative perspective which condemns sexual deviance per se , but to another viewpoint , one which might actually endorse deviance in principle , at least if it were seen as a quest for authentic selfhood of the kind explored in Chapter 3 .
23 The house of Baskerville , the eminent Birmingham printer , was sold in 1788 and the seven acres of land that surrounded it were advertised as ‘ a very desirable spot to build upon ’ .
24 Ooh the they had er it we it were built as a proper music hall was that you know .
25 Would we accept this if it were proposed as the means by which we controlled , say , the operations of our secret services .
26 If , however , it were marketed as a child 's toy or the blade were such that when used to peel potatoes it disintegrated into splinters , then it would not be as safe as people generally were entitled to expect .
27 But the disguise , if it were meant as a disguise , had been ineffective .
28 It were known as Park .
29 The 56-acre former Navy mine depot was given local nature reserve status after a fight to prevent it being developed as the site of 600-inmate prison .
30 However , there are sufficiently unique features associated with the granting of security by a company that justify it being treated as a separate topic .
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